John Rose I believe to be probably a 12 x great uncle of mine, his sister Agnes having married my ancestor William Halke.
Line breaks are as in the register copy.
Draft transcription – not checked for typos and other errors – and not yet linked to tree
In the name of god So be it [1] the thirty day of may in the yere of or Lourd god a thousand
fyve hundreth fourty and the xxxiiti yere of the reigne of or souverain lord king henry theight I John Rose
of the p[ar]ishe of wey beyng of hole mynde and in good and p[er]fite remembrannce laude and prayse be unto
almyghtie make and ordeyn this my p[rese]nt testament in maner and forme following First I comend my soule
unto almyghtie god and to or blessyd lady and to all the company of hevyn willing my body to be buried in the
church of wye so mye unto my father and mother as may be convenient Item I give to the hye aulter for my
tithes forgotten by necligence xxd Item I give to crosse light wtin the church of wye xxd Item I bequeith to
the Rep[ar]acion of the Steple of Wye xxvisviiid Item I bequeith to two of my Susters doughters that were by
my Suster Tilden to iche of them ten shillings Item I bequeith unto John Hawke my godson xls Item I bequeith
to ev[er]y one of my s[er]vu[n]ts nowe being in my s[er]vice for thintent they shall bring me to the church at the day of my
burying and pray for my soule and all xpen soules to ev[er]y of them iiiid Item I give to Elizabeth Lambert xxs
Item I will that my executors shall bestowe in the day of my burying for my soule and all xpen soules to pr[ie]sts
clercks and in other dedes of charitie as they shall thincke most best and necessarie xls and also lykewise at
my monethes mynde xls and in lyke man[er] at my yeres mynde xls also I will my executours kept or cause
to be kept one yerely obiit in the foresaid church of wye of ten shillings by yere for my soule my fathers and
mothers soule and all xpen soules wt dirige and masse of requiem by note as they shall thincke most best
for the space of ten yeres next after my deceas. Item I will that my executors prepare one honest prst ./.
to syng in the foresaid church of wye at Saint Johns aulter for my soule and all xpen soules for the space
of one yere next after my deceas having for his salarie for the said yere vili and the said prst to say
dirige and masse when god shall dispose hym Item I give to Johanne my wif all my goodes Corne Catall
househould and all other moveables my debts and bequests p[er]formed the which Joane my wief and John
Tilden my kinsman I make my Executors of this my p[rese]nt testament and last will willing them to p[er]forme
this my p[rese]nt testament wtin twoo yeres next after my deceas Also I will and make maister Richard
walker maister of the College of wye and Sr Thomas Southby curate to be overseers of this my p[rese]nt
testament and last will requyring them to se my testament and last will p[er]formyd and fulfillyd as my
trust is in them to whom I bequeith to yche of them ten shillings Item I will my Executors do lye and
bestowe betwene my house and the p[ar]sonage of boughton wtin the space of twoo yeres next after my deceas
in the kings strete xls so that the comyn streme or water course may be turnyd to his ould right waye
witnesses hereof maister Richard walkar sr Thomas Southby Thomas Serls Nichas Pers Richard
martyn Richard welles willm punchu Thomas boys and John Chelton thelder ./.
Probatum fuit suprascriptum testamentum coram duo apud London xxiio die mensis novembris anno
dni Millesimo quingentesimo quadragesimo …
[1] only time I’ve seen ‘Amen’ translated
The will was proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury and is held at TNA.
This is a transcript of the register copy, TNA ref: PROB 11/28/303 (more details about source to be added to John’s page)
(viewable online for a small charge from Discovery, or through a subscription to Ancestry or TheGenealogist).
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