I think the testator of this will was probably the William baptised in Herne in 1651. (Other events I am sure refer to this William are shown on that page)

Know all men by these presents
that I William Gootham of the Precinct of St Katherines neer the Tower
of London Mariner Have and by these presents doe make ordain and
constitute my trusty and well beloved wife Susanna my true and lawfull
Attorney irrevokeable for me and in my name and for my use to ask demand
and receive of and from the Right Hono:ble the Treasurer or Paymaster of their
Ma:ties Navy and Counn:rs for Prize money and whome else it may concern
as well all such Wages and pay bounty money Prize money and all other sume
and sums of money whatsoever as now is and which hereafter shall or may
be due or payable unto me pursuant to their Ma:ties gracious Declaracon of the
Three and twentieth of May 1689 and also all such pencons salaries
smart money and all other moneys and things whatsoever which now and at
any time hereafter is and shall be due come for my service or otherwise in any
oftheir Maties shipps Frigots or Vessels or any Merchant Shipp or ships as also to
demand recover and receive of all other person and persons whatsoever whom
it doth or may concern all and singuler such other sum and sums of money
goods wares effects wages debts ends claims and demands whatsoever which now
and hereafter is or shall be due and payable unto me either by Bond bill book
accompt or otherwise howsoever And moreover in my name and for my proper
use to demise and let by Lease in writing or otherwise all or any of my Messuages
Lands or Tenements to such person or persons and for such Term of tears condicons
and reservacons as my said Attorney or her Counsell shall think fit and
convenient Giving and hereby granting unto my said Attorney my full and
whole power in the premisses and to recover and receive all and singuler the
sum and sums of money matters and things aforesaid and upon none payment
thereof or any part thereof all such person and persons whome it may concern
and where need shall require their Executors Administrators and goods to sue
arrest attach seize imprison presente and condemne and to compound and agree
and out of Prison to release and discharge and upon receipt of the said premisses
or any part thereof acquttances releases or any other discharges for me and in
my name to make seal and deliver and one Attorney or more to substitute and
at pleasure to revoke and generally to act and doe all other acts matters and
things whatsoever needfull and necessary to be done in and touching the
premisses as fully and effectually as I might or could doe if I were personally
present Ratifying and allowing for firm and valid and irrevocable all and
whatsoever my said Attorney shall lawfully doe or cause to be done in or
touching the premisses by vertue of these presents And I the said William
Gootham considering the incertainty of this transitory life doe make and
declare these presents to contain my last Will and Testament That is to say
My Soul I give to God who gave it me and my body to the sea or Earth And
as concerning such wages sum and sums of money lands Tenements goods
Chattels and Estate whatsoever wherewith at the time of my decease I
shall be possessed or invested or which shall then belong or of right
appertain unto me I doe give devise and bequeath unto my trusty and well
beloved wife Susanna my sole Executrix And I doe hereby nominate and
appoint my trusty and well beloved wife aforesaid Susanna my Executrix. And
doe revoke all former Wills and Deeds of gift by me at any time heretofore
made and doe ordain these presents to stand and be for and as my ^ {only} last Will and
Testament In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the
Seaventh day of December Anno Dm 1689 And in the First year of the reign
of William and Mary King and Queen of England &c William Gootham
his mark signed sealed published and declared in the presence of Natl
Rothwell, Jon: Marlar Scr ^ {1689} Wm: Daintrey his servt Jo:n Venner Capt, James
Greenway, Nath: Seav(?)ey, Roger Trender Gunner Henry Bur en

TNA ref: PROB 11/416/58 (more details about source to be added to William’s page)
Probate statement © Crown Copyright


The will of William Goatham (pos. 1651 – c.1693) — No Comments

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