Anthony Becon is a first cousin 10 x removed, son of Theodore, who was the brother of my 9 x great grandfather Basil Becon.

Above the copy of the will I have a date is written: this is not the probate date of the will immediately preceeding this one, so I think it must be the date the will was written, December 25o 1628.
In the name of God Amen I Anthony
Beacon of the parish of Erwarton Minister knowinge its ordained for all
men once to dye and nothinge more uncertaine then the hower of death
expectinge howerly the time of my dissoluson wherein I shalbe translated out
of this vale of misery to raigne with my best blessed Saviour being somthinge
weake in bodie but in good dispositon of mynde (Christ Jesus be thanked for it) I do
ordaine my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge first I bequeath
my soule into the handes of my most mercifull father in assurance of the Salvaion
thereof by his mercy and Christe onlie merritte Also I doe bequeath my bodie to the
earth assuringe my self that at the last daie I shalbe clothed againe with my flesh, and
that I shall se god with theis Eies, In confidence whereof I will that this my bodie be
decently buried in the Churchyard Alone concerninge those Temporall blessinge where=
with it hath pleased god to ?? me, I moste willinglie leave them to them I love, and
leave in the world. First I bequeath to my eldest Sister Elizabeth Beacon a hundred
poundes, which she shall have paid her by John Inniver of Braysteed in five years
Twentie poundes a yeare. Item I give to my Sister Isabella Beacon the reversion of a lease of a
house in Cambridge nowe in the handes of my Aunt Smith[1] as by the said lease shall (appeare?)
Nowe(?) if it shall please god to take awaye either of my said Sisters without issue of her body
lawfully begotten, her part soe dyinge shalbe imployed to the buyinge of land towards the
maintenance of a poore godly Scholar of Canterbury Schoole in the Universitie of Cambridge
for Seven yeares, if he shall soe longe contynue in the Universitie And if it shall please
god  ?? to take awaie my other sister without issue of her bodie lawfully begotten my
mynde and will is that her part shalbe imployed in like manner toward the maintenance
of an other poore godlie Scholler of the said School in the said Universitie And if it please
god that they have issue, and the said yssue dye before marriage Then my will is that
theis legacies shalbe imployed as it above specified And I desire and give authoritie to the
Master and Usher of Canterbury Schoole to they see it accordinglie performed Item I will
my Executor to give a pott of Sixteene ounces of Silver that my father in his will
bequeathed to Saint Johns Colledge in Cambridge accordinge as he shall se in my fathers
will Item I give five poundes to the godlie Religious poore at the discrecion of my Executor
twentie shillings whereof I bequeath to the poore of Erwarton Item I give to Trinitie
Colledge in Cambridge Thirtie shillings to be bestowed by my Executor on some Divinitie
Books to the use of the colledge Other thinges which I bequeath I have ?? sett downe
in a noate under my hand and Seale which I have caused to hereunto annexed ?? of
this my last will and Testament I ordaine my dearr frind Mr Christopher Burrell
Minister my sole Executor willing and requiringe him accordinge to the trust I ?pose
in him that all theis thinges maie be faithfully performed, and my debts paid, and
the rest I bequeath to him In wittnes hereof I have sett to my hand and Seale Anthony
Beacon Signed published and delivered in the presence of us Phil: Parker – Robt Wickes
A noate of those things which I will my Executor to bestowe in manner followinge
Inprimis I give to Sr. Phillipp Parker Ainsworth? And ?? worke and fower of
my best Pictures, and twentie shillings to buy a Ring. Item to his Ladie, Mr. Rogers
seaven ??, and a paire of my best Sheets and Table cloth. Item I give Mr. Daniell
Rogers tenne shillinges to buy a Booke. Item I give to Mr. Faircloth tenne shillings to buy
a Booke. Item to my cosen Yong of Canterbury twentie shillings. Item to two Religious
poore Schollers all my Schoole bookes, that are ordinary learned in the Schooles. Goodman
Perkins sonne of Walden to be one of the two, and Goodman Borralls sonne of the little
Bardfield the other. Item to Mr. Wickes of Erwarton ?? Harmony and Pavens(?)
on the Romans. Item to Misters Browne, Mr. Greenhamb(?) worke and Furnins(?) Bible. Item to
my Sisters, my Grandfather Beacons works. Item to Mr. Tocke(?) of Wenham Medulla Amesy(?)
which I have lent him. Item to Joel Turner Mr. Heirons works, a paire of Sheets, a Table
Cloth, a Towell, my pillows and Mattres, my best ??, two of my best Ruffs, my Cushions
one Truncke. Item I give all my Divinitie noats to my Executor; and tenne of my best divintie
Bookes, he shall please to choose. And all my Phisicke Noats to my cosen Yong of Canterbury
Item I give twentie shillings to be bestowed in books on the Servants of this family by
the discrecion of my Executor. Item I will my Executor to bestowe twentie shillinge in
Divinitie Books to give to my uncle Smiths[1] grandchildren, and two my Mr. Rogers Doctrine
of faith, one to my uncle, another to his Ladie. Item I give to my Executor my newe
Cloake, Coate, and best Gowns and my newe Stuffe Suite. Item my other apparel (except
tynnois?) to religious poore Scholers. Item to Nurse Galliard my featherbed. Item to Joel
Turner my two Blancketts, Coverlett, Velvett Cushion. Item I give Joel Turner my seale
Ringe. Item to my cosen Yongs wife my other little Ringe. Item to Jane Scott a Table cloth
and Dodd on the Comandements. Item I give to Mr. Eusin of Emanuell Collidge ??
of ?? Cartwright on the ?? Testament. Item to Mr. Rogers of Dedhan the Turkish
?? Cartwrights Harmony. Item to Mr Hopkins of Wenham Bellar?? ??
Item to Mr. Wards sonne of Ipswich my Scapula. Item to my cosen Rayners children xx.s to be
Bestowed on Bookes by my Executor Item the rest of my Divinitie bookes, all my other
legacies being discharged and paid I give to my Executor to bestowe on some godlie
godlie religious Ministers, Mr Kenitie(?) to be one. Item I give to Joel Turner All my lynnen
unbequeathed, pillows, pictures, Cushions, Bookes, my Phisicke Bookes, Historie
books and other things unbequeathed to my Executor to paie debts if there be any  In
wittnes hereof I have sett my hand and Seale Anthony Becon Phil Parker Robert
Wickes. Item I will my money Legacies to be paid two yeares after my decease and none
but my sisters to be paid presently unless my Executor will. And that he take bonds of my
sisters to performe my will about their legacies. Item I give to my uncle Beacons children
Eighteene shillinge to buy each of them Mr. Rogers Doctrine of faith, and some other good
Probate statement in Latin – date is 27 August 1629.

[1] Anthony’s mother was one Dorcas Smithe; presumably Anthony’s “uncle Smith” was her brother. The aunt Smith referred to earlier could be the wife of this uncle, or another of his mother’s brothers, or a sister of his mother.


The will of Anthony Becon (c.1595-1628) — No Comments

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