John Halke is, I think, a 13 x great grandfather of mine.

Line breaks are as in the register copy.

Draft transcription – not checked for typos and other errors – and not yet linked to tree

 In die nomine Amen xiiiio Die Mensis Decembr Anno Dni millimo CCCCXC & prime

Ergo Johnes Halk De Wy compes mentis & sane memorie …

[The testament is all in Latin, making it difficult for me to read and understand! If you are interested in this testament and may be able to help please let me know and I’ll send you the image. Luckily the will is in English …]


Thys ys the last Will of me John Halke of Wy made the Day ?? above

seyd rehersed unto Richard Mounte & Robt Drit Driver my Feoffez First I Will that

my seyd Feoffez shall Feoffe Ric Halke my son in hall my londes &? ten’ts lyinge

beying in the p[ar]ryshe of Hastingley & Elmysted in a yerd lands wit a Wyndemyll

standyng theron & in Tale loage? Wit all the londez therto p[er]tenyng beyng &

lying in the p[ar]ryshe of Brayborn to have to the seyd Rich Alke hys heires assig

nez for ev[er] in Fee simple So that the seyd Ric Al Halke paiz or make to be payd to

John Halke the son of Thomas Halke his exec or assignez xii li of laufull mony

of Ynglond Wyt in the time of vi yere immediatly next after my Decesse & also

to pay or make to be payd unto alys Alicie my Wyfe xxli of laufull money of

Inglond ro xx li in pens? or pene worths as the sayd Ric & alice can a gre witin

iii yere next comyng immidiatly aftur my Decesse So that the sayd alice my Wife

claime no Doore be side my place called Petterosse beying in the town of Wy

in the whiche place the soyd Alice my wyfe ys induydu[d] [endowed?] duryng the tine of hyr

lyffe And afftur the Decesse of the same Alice my Wyfe I will that the Rev[er]sion of


the same place remayne unto Willm Halke my son & to his heryes for ev[[er] in fee simple

Forthermore I wyll that my seyd Feoffez shall Feoffe xpofor [Christopher] Halke my son wat tyme

the seyd xpofor Halke my son will requir them in all my londs & tenemet being &

& lying in the parisshe of Petthm wt al thappurtenncez at a palce Callyd Garlyn

che [Garlinge] to have to hym his herys & assingiez for ev[er] in fee simple Also I will that Alice

my Wyfe shall have all the Stuffe of housold that she Brouzth wt hir in tyme of

marage wyt all the Suche newe Brasse as hath ben bought be hyr or me sen the ty

me of mariage wt th kene the best that She will chose & an horse which She Brought

wit hyr & all other instuffe of houshold I will that hit be equally devidyt betwyn

my executors except a table soldyd in the halle & a chaser to hetin wat the whiche

I will that Richard my son have be sydes his stuffe of the soyd instuffe of houshold

Also I will that Richard my son have my copyhold londs late p[ur]chesed of Willm

Crulle so that the soyd Ricrt my son or his heris executores or assignes pay or make to be

payd to the mastur of th College of Wy & hys Successurs yerly duryng the term

of xx yes next comyng aftur my decesse to be devidyt be twixt the sayd marst

felows Clerkys & corestors of the same College vis viiid to kepe a yerly obyte for my

soule the soule of Katerine my Wyffe & all my frends soulez Also I will that Alice Halke

the doughtr of John Halke my son have my tenemet in Wy late of Willm Sandan

to have to hir hyr heryes & assigns fo ev[er] in fee symple wt the gardyn to the same te

nemet p[er]tenyng & yf the seyd Alice refuse to have the sayd tenemet & Gardyn

then I will that my Feoffez shall selle the seyd tenemet & gardyn the best wyse

that thay may & the money therof recevyd to be deliv[er]yd to the soyd alice or hir

assignez Also I will that Ric Halke my son shall fynd an honest prest to syng for

my soule the sowle of katerin my wyfe in the churche of Wy the space of half

a yer havyng for hys labor v marke Also I will that Ric my son immediatly

after my Decesse shall occupie the p[ar]senage of Wy kepyng out my ye? & to ??

the lord & have all the Catells in the ? same p[ar]sonage except all Suche Catell

that ys be for bequethyd


Probatu fuit xxvi to die Mensi May Anno Dni Millimo CCCCXC se[cun]do …

[i.e. probate granted 26 May 1492]

The will was proved in the Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury and is viewable on microfilm at the CCA or KHLC.

This is a transcript of the register copy of the will, archives ref: PRC/17/5/319 (more details about source to be added to John’s page)

The original will appears not to have survived.


The will of John Halke (d. 1492) — No Comments

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