People search
(married name will be ignored if broad check is ticked;
a broad check includes a search for nicknames, married names and other alternative names)Where were they from?
Search for places, see all people in the tree with events in that place, and (where added) see places marked on a map with photos, links and other information about the location.
What's New (past 60 days)
Date of Last GEDCOM Import: 15 Nov 2024 00:42:27
Recently researched
Additions / changes to my tree and photos and other media attached to it are shown below. See comments (posts) on my recent research here.
About this page:
n.b. Only the most recent 150 items in each category are shown, if more than 150 have been added / changed in the past 60 days.
In time this should more accurately show what is genuinely new to this site.
At present the usefulness of this page is reduced at times by the amount of tidying up I am doing - e.g.
if I change place names to a consistent format (county, not showing
England etc.) a person will show on this page the same as if they were
totally new to my tree. Similarly if I change the description, even
slightly, e.g. to correct punctuation, that accompanies a photo, that photo will appear here as new!