(Richard Brodrepp is an 11 x great grandfather of mine)
The Will
in the County of Dorsett esquire written with my owne hand
in perfect memory Anno Domini 1654
Inprimis I willingly leave the
world my Servant and doe Commned my Soule to God through Christ my
mercifull redeemer Item I committ my body to be decently not costly entombed
by my deare pretious and faithfull wife Item my faithfull dutifull and obeydient
children whom I love in the Lord God love you one another then shall you bee
as a threefold cord and beloved of God both joyntly and Severally Item all
my Stocke of plate beinge one dozen of Silver Spoones I give equally to my
Children being now my two Sonnes Item I give to my Sonne John the
bed and cloathes whereon hee lies five paire of Sheetes a bed of redd taffety
Curtens redd rugg and vallence Item I owe nothinge to anie man but love
And I have ever willingly paid it to my power Item I give to my Sonne
Christopher all my other goods and doe make him my Sole executor beinge
aseured hee will performe all things proper to mee and mine in love and
uprightnes of heart which I beare towards my neighbours as followes Item
I give to my neighbours Tenants in Colhley and Merch by name Richard Munden
John Birt John Syms John Roper John Mintern Giles Hill als Phelps
and Giles his sonne to each of them a Cloake intreatinge them to live
in unity and to attend gods ordinances conscienably Item I give to Thomas
Knight Forty shillings Item I give toward placeinge abroade the two young
Sonnes of Cicely Turner five poundes Item I give to the Towne of
Beam[inste]r Tenn poundes to be added to the stocke for settinge upp a worke house
ther reserved out of a distribucon made by Mr. Gollopp and mee for that
purpose And of which Mr Hodder Minister of Hawchurch [Hawkchurch] is Treasurer
accordinge to an order of Parliament Confirminge the Same I Conclude
Transit Richardus Brodrippus nomine dictus Intr[?] et Christoferus filius
et primus heres : Now haveinge run my race and come unto the Goale
Lord pardon all my Sinnes Sweet Christ receive my Soule: In this true
faith I dye By Christ to live eternally Ri: Brodrepp It is my further
will and pleasure that my Sonne John Brodrepp be my joynt executor to
halfe my goods in my house in possession or else that my Said Executor
Christopher Brodrepp doth pay unto my Said Sonne John forty poundes
within two yeares after my death and buryall And then to detaine the
goods and whole executorshipp to himself Dated the 30th of September
1656 Ri: Brodrepp: This was published to be my last will and Testament
the 30th September 1656 in the presence of John Strode John Knight
The Prboate Statement
moneth of February in the yeare of our Lord God accordinge to the com-
Computacon of the Church of England one Thousand six hundred Fifty Seaven
before the Judges for probat of Wills and grantinge Administracons lawfully
authorized by the oath of Christopher Brodrepp the naturall and lawfull
Sonne of the said deceased and Sole Executor named in the said will to
whom was committed Administracon of all and singular the goods Chattles
and debtes of the said deceased Hee the said Christopher beinge first sworne
in due forme of Lawe by vertue of a Commission well and truly to Ad[mini]ster
the same
ex[aminatu]r [it is examined]
TNA ref: PROB 11/273/486
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