My progress in all senses: extending the tree, padding it out and learning about the lives of my ancestors.
I intend adding blog entries
- drawing attention:
- to new family members added or corrections made to the tree,
- to photos added of them, or their homes, churches etc. ,
- to transcriptions of wills and other documents,
- indicating when I have added a new article or amended an existing one,
- sharing info. about books I have read – on genealogy, history, or the localities that they lived in,
telling you of museums or other places of interest due to family connections.
In this way you should be able to share in my discoveries without having to keep visiting the pages for people or places of interest etc. to see if anything has changed.
Also see:
- Archive of “recent research” posts (i.e. see earlier posts than those included on this page)
- “What’s new” page – showing additions / changes to the tree in the past 60 days
Hi Teresa. We are very Interested in Your Family Tree For Several Reasons.The Ellen Saywell is my Wife’s GT Grandmother and her Grandmother is Gladys Alberta Holdaway who Married Charles Papps her Grandfather.Her Father was Kenneth Frederick Papps who Married Velma Lorraine Davies.Also on My Side Francis Maria Tomlinson was the Daughter of Richard Tomlinson Born Sandon and Dorothy Mary Bromley Born Milford Staffordshire,Francis Maria Married Carrington Gapper.My Wife has our Family Trees on Ancestry.Com Website which is open to the Public.However if you Have Anything We Can Help With Please Contact Us,We are Willing too Share any Information too Help Others. Regards Ray and Noelene Tomlinson Nelson NZ.