Matthew Bellamy is a 7 x great uncle of mine.

Like most Devon wills this one did not survive the bombing of Exeter in 1942, but fortunately we have Miss Oliver Moger to thank for making an abstract of the main contents before the war.

This abstract is in vol. 1 of Miss Moger’s will abstract, p.161; the volumes are held at the DHC.

Miss Moger’s absract (comment in square brackets my addition):

Ballemy, Matthew, of Bowdon in Blackawton, husbandman.

Date of Will [i.e. date written] 26 March 1782.

Proved 7 Aug. 1782 and Jane Ballemy the executrix sworn.

To my brother John Ballemy £50.

To my brother William Ballemy £10.

To my sister Dorothy Gunn, widow, £10.

To my sister Rebecca wife of John Roope the younger for her own private use and benefit £10.

To my nephews and nieces John Gunn and his sister Ann Rich (the wife of William Rich, mariner), John Burgoin, and William Burgoin and their sisters Sarah the wife of George Tell, Mary wife of Nicholas Rider and Ann Burgoin and to John Roope, son of said John Roope the younger and to Sarah and Elizabeth Ching, daughters of my late sister Thomasin Ching, 2 guineas each, and to their sister Mary Ching 10s 6d.

All legacies to be paid within 3 months after death (after revoked by a codicil of same date as will and new clause that they be paid in 12 months).

Residue to my dear wife Jane Ballemy, executrix.

Seal a horseman ? Signature of M. B.

Witnesses: Catherine Haddy, Walt. Prideaux.


The will of Matthew Bellamy (d. 1782) — No Comments

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