(John Wogan is a 13 x great grandfather of mine)

I have aimed to show line breaks, spelling, punctuation and capitals as in the register copy. [ ] show additions – mostly to show omitted letters in abbreviated or contracted words.

The Will

In the name of god Amen The xxviith day of october in the yere
of our Lord god a thousand fyve hundrth Lviiith [27 Oct 1558] I John Wogan of Sylvyng [1] in the p[ar]ishe of
white lakington in the Countie of Som[er]sett Esquyer being sicke in body but yeet of good and
p[er]fitt mynde and memorye thankes be unto almightie god do ordeyn and make my last will and
Testament in man[er] and fourme following First I give and bequeth my soule to the m[er]cyfull
hands of almightie god my Creator maker and Redemer / and I will my body be buryed
amongest my anncestours at the church of whitelakynton Item I gyve to the church of
whitelakynton vis viiid / Item to the church of stocklynche otersee thre shillingis foure
pence / Item to the church of Stocklynch Mawdelyn iiis iiijd [2] / Item to the churche of
Puckington thre shillinges foure pence / Item I gyve and bequeth unto Phillipp my
doughter one hundrth pound towards her mariage condicinally that she be Ruled by
her mother / Item to Nicholas Rose my sonne in lawe I gyve the greate maris Coulte
and my best gowne / Item unto his brother Cuthebert Rose agowne at his mothers
rewarde / Item unto the vicar of Ile abbottes sixe shillinges eight pence / Item unto Mr
John Walshe the elder I gyve all suche money as he doeth owe unto me reserving unto
me and myn executours the salte wch lyeth in gage w[?] me / Item unto Willm Sowthey
clarke and p[ar]son of Puckington I gyve twentie shillings / Item to Thomas Hawkyns
I give thre shillings foure pence / Item to Robert Yefferey alias p[ar]ker I give iij s iiii d /
Item I gyve to the cathedrall churche of welles viijd / and to the mayntenannce of the
poor scolers there I gyve xijd / The Residewe of all moveable and unmoveable I gyve
and bequeth unto mris Anne Wogan my wif whom I do ordeyn and make my hole
and sole executrix she to bestowe parte therof to the honor and glorie of god to the
Releyf of the poor and nedye and for the wealth of my soule when and where she
shall se tyme place and p[er]son convenyent thus being witnis willm Southey Clark
and p[ar]son of puckyngton Robert Yefferey of Stocklynch alias p[ar]ker and Thomas
hawkyns the yonger of Puckyngton

The Probate Statement

Probatum fuit suprascriptum Testamentum coram Mag[ist]ro waltero haddon
legum doctore Curie p[re]rogative Cant[uariensis] Custode sive Com[m]issario sele Archiepali Cant iam van
sexto die Maij Anno d[omi]ni mill[esi]mo quingentesimo quinquagesimo nono [6 May 1559] Juramento Chroferi
Robinson procuratoris Agnetis Rel[i]c[tam] et ex[ecutrice] in h[uius]mo[d]i Testamento no[m]i[n]at[i] Cui Comissafuit
Administrac[i]o o[m]ni[um] et singloru[m] bonoru[m] d[i]c[t]i defuncti &c Ad sancta dei Evangelia in p[er]sona dci
procuratoris Jurat

Translation of the Probate Statement

[The above written will was proved before Master Walter Haddon
Doctor of Laws Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Cantberbury [? chosen in the absence of an Archbishop of Canterbury*]
the sixth of May in the year of Our Lord one thousand five hundred and fifty nine By the oath of Christopher
Robinson procurator for Agnes Relict and Executrix named in this will To whom was committed
administration of all and singuler the goods of the said deceased etc. She having been sworn on God’s Holy Gospels in the person of the said procurator]* – This was during a gap between Archbishops – I’m not certain of the meaning, it may be ‘chosen in the past by an Archbishop of Canterbury’.
[1] ‘Sylvng’ is now Selvinge, with Selvinge Farm being marked on modern maps, but some references (including John’s wife’s will) use the spelling Selvinch or similar.
[2] The Somerset village of Stocklinch was split between two parishes, the larger, Stocklynch Ottersey, and within this part of the village and at one end two small areas made up the parish of Stocklynch Magdalen.

TNA ref: PROB 11/42B/163


The will of John Wogan (d. c. 1559) — No Comments

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