Richard Halke is a cousin, if I am right about where he fits on the tree then a 1st cousin 11 x removed. His will is of particular interest to me as he appointed his ‘cosen’ William Halke of Bircholt, my 9 x great grandfather, as his Executor.

See also the inventory taken following Richard’s death.
I hope to make my transcription of William’s accounts arising from being executor public, if I need / obtain permission.

I also have copies of documents referring to disputes which arose concerning this will, but they are in Latin and at the time of writing I am able to understand almost nothing of what they say! I hope one day I will be able to understand them and will be able to add them too.


The line and page breaks are as in the register copy. What may appear to be underlining is actually overlining, used as far as I can as in the register copy, one of several ways in which the contraction of words (i.e. the omission of one or more letters) was shown.

In the name of God Amen the sevententh
day of January in the yeare of or Lord God one Thousand six
hundred Twenty & three And in the yeare of the Reigne of or
Soverainge Lord James by the grace of God of England Scot=
land, France & Ireland king defender of the faith &c vizt of
England, France & Ireland the one & Twentith & of Scotland the
seaven & fifteith I Richard Halke of Hastingleigh in the
County of Kent yeoman, being of good & perfect memory thanks
be to God therefore do ordaine & make this my last will & Testamt
in manner & forme following First I comend my soule into the
hands of Almighty God assuredly trusting to be saved by the death
& merritts of my Lord & onely Saviour Jesus Christ Itm I
bequeath my Body to the earth to be buried in the Church of
Hastingleigh aforesd at the discretion of my Executor heerafter
named Itm I do heerby nominate & appoint that the fower hundred
pounds remaining in the hands of my Cosen Daniel Harvey shalbe paid
unto my sonne Willm Halke according to the Condicon of one obligacon
of eight hundred pounds bearing date the thirteith day of September
last wherein my said Cosen Daniel Harvey, my Cosen John Harvey
& my Cosen Eliab Harvey stand bound unto me for the paimt [payment] of
the said fower hundred pounds Itm I do will & appoint that for
the p[ro]ffits of the said money my Cosen Daniell Harvey shall
pay five & Twenty pounds of good & lawfull money of England
unto Alice my welbeloved wife according to the saide Indentures
made betweene my said Cosen Daniell Harvey on the one p[ar]t &
John Tayler of Hastingleigh aforesaid Clerke, my Cosen
Richard Morrs & my Cosen Willm Rigden on the other p[ar]te,
bearing date the said Thirteith day of September whereof Twenty
pounds is intended for her joincture made unto her by me and
my father John Halke & the other five pounds is for the love I
beare unto her Itm if my said sonne Willm Halke dy before
his age of one & Twenty yeares having neither wife nor child
at the time of his death Then I do heerby nominate & appoint
that the said fower hundred pounds shalbe paid unto all my daugh=
ters that shalbe living upon the Wednesday next after the end
of three moneths next after the death of my said wife Alice
According to the Condicon of the said Obligacon Also my will
& meaning is that if my said wife Alice dy before my sonne
William do attaine unto the age of fifteene yeares that my
Executor heerafter named shall have the bringing up of my said
sonne & the ordering of his portion for my sonnes best advantage
& p[re]ferment And that in the meane time my said sonne shalbe
kept by my wife at her owne Charge Itm I give unto the sd
John Taylor three pounds to make him a gowne Itm I give
unto my Cosen Michaell Halke xiid to buy a payer of Gloves
And to the rest of my Brother Thomas Halkes Children tenne
shillings a peece Itm I give unto my Brother Willm Halkes
Children ten shillings a peece Itm I give unto my brother
Harveyes Children wch he had by my sister his wife ten shillings
apeece Itm I give unto Mrs(?) Taylor and her Children
twelve pence a peece to buy them Gloves Itm I give unto
my said Cosen [1] Gloves & to his wife & Children Twelve pence
a peece to buy them gloves Itm I give unto my said Cosen
Rigden & Children twelve [2] a peece to buy them gloves Itm I
give unto my uncle Robert Simpson & to Richard Simpson &
his wife & Children twelve pence a peece to buy them gloves
Itm I give unto my sister Wells & to my brother Thomas
Raines & his wife and to William Raines his sonne twelve pence
a peece to buy them gloves Itm I give unto Richard Dally the
younger and to Christopher Dally his Brother & to William
Skilton five shillings a peece Itm I give to Goodwife Dally
& Elizabeth Dally my Goddaughter & to Goodwife Skilton
twelve pence a peece to buy them Gloves Itm I give unto
my Godsone Richard Halke & to Jane Epps to each of them a payer of
gloves xiid a peece Itm I give unto my said sonne Willm Halke
my bible silver salt my great Chest & my great payer of iron(?)
Brandirons Itm I give unto my said wellbeloved wife Alice the
one halfe of all my houshold stuffe And the other halfe thereof I
give unto all my daughters that shalbe living at the time of
my death All the Residue of my goods Chattells & p[er]sonall
estate my debts & legacies funerall Chargs & p[ro]bate of my will
being paid & discharged I give unto All my daughters wch shalbe
living at the timeof my death equally to be devided between them
by mine Executor presently after my death & to be imploied towarde
their maintenance untill their severall m[ar]riags or ages of one &
Twenty yeares wch shall first happen & every one to have her
p[ar]t at such time as she shalbe married or come to such age Itm
I give unto my Cosen Mr Willm Halke of Bircholt xxs And
appoint & ordaine him my sole Executor, besides allowance of what
he lay out in his travaile & paine about my Executorship in
expenss Also I give unto my Cosen Halke his Wife & Children xiid
a peece to buy them gloves And do heerby constitute & appoint him
sole Executor of this my last will & Testament In witnes whereof
I the said Richard Halke have heerunto put my seale And to
every one of these to [two] sheetes of paper subscribed my name and
published the same to be my last will & Testamt the day & yeare
first above written Also my will is that my Executor abovenamed
p[ro]vide to lay upon me a convenience tombstone Richard Halke.
Sealed, subsrcibed, deliv[er]ed & publised in the presence of John Taylor
Parson of Hastingleigh. Richard Morrs. William Skilton his m[ar]ke.
William Watton his m[ar]ke./.
Probatum fuit … 15o die xbrs [15 Dec] 1625 …
[to be transcribed]

[1] I guess a name was accidentally omitted here when the register copy of the will was made (or ‘gloves’ written instead of the name). It may be possible to work out by which cosen has been mentioned but not otherwise been left gloves, but I will try to see the original will on my next visit to Kent.

[2] word ‘pence’ appears to be missing

The will was proved in the Consistory Court of Canterbury and both the original and register copy are viewable on microfilm at the CCA or KHLC.

This is a transcript of the register copy of the will, archives ref: PRC 32/47 folio 116. The original will, filed in 1626, has ref. PRC 31/88 H/2 (more details about source on Richard’s page – to be added)


The will of Richard Halke (d. 1624/25) — No Comments

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