Thomas Harvey is, I think, the husband of a 1st cousin 11 x removed of mine.
Line breaks are as in the register copy, not indicated by ‘/’ which are as in the document.
(Thomas was the father of William Harvey, physician who described the circulation of blood)
Draft transcription – not checked for typos and other errors – and not yet linked to tree
In the name of god Amen: the 12th daie of June
Anno Domini 1623 I: Thomas Harvey of the parishe of Hackney Doe make
this my last will and testament And first I doe humbly Comend my soule
to god that gave ytt by whose free mercie inthe merites of Jesus Christ
I hope to be saved And my bodie to the earth to be buried with the rest of
the Sainctes of God Touchinge my goods and Chattells I Will to be distri=
buted in legacies to the poore of the p[ar]ish of Newington neare Hid five pounds
to the poore of Foulkstone five pounds To Mr Pateson Minister of Foulk=
stone Fortie shillinges To Patience Penny twentie shillings To the poore
of Hasting-leigh in Kent twentie shillings To the poore of Hackney
fortie shillings To Mr Dalbyn twenty two shillings To Mr Partridge
twentye two shillings To Mr Jacob minister twentie shillings To Mr
Crabbtree ^ minister twentie shillings To James Adwicke my servant Fortie shillings
To Henrie Brockman twentie two shillings To Joseph Denn twentie two
shillings To every one of my brothers and sisters sonnes vizt to Tho Harvey
To Tho: Nott To Tho: Denn To Vincent Denn to every one of them twentie
two shillings Alsoe to my sisters daughters vizt Jone, Elizabeth and Sarra
Harvey and to my sister Notts daughters vizt to Margerie to Eden and
Em And to my sister Woods daughters vizt To Cicely Amey Joane and
Sarra And to my sister Denns daughters vizt to Mary Martha Elizabeth
and Sara to everie one of the last racited eleaven shillings Alsoe to Richard Halke
and his Children and to Thomas Haulkes and William Haulkes Children to every
one of them eleaven shillings a peece To Mr William Soumer eleaven shillings To
Nicholas Markes twentie shillings To George Smaeda(?) the some of twelve pounds
To Mary Godwyn Widowe the some of Fortie pounds To Bartholomew Godwyn
tenn pounds Alsoe I doe give unto my twoe grandchildren John Harvey and
to Daniell Harvey the some of Fiftie poundes a peece And if either of them shall
dye before they come to age that then the survivor of my grandchildren
to have the whole hundred pounds Item I doe give unto my sonne John
Harvey my Capitall Messuage and lande in the p[ar]ishe of Newington and
Foulkstone or else where knowne by the name or names of Westdane
or Arpinge nowe in the occupation of John Pilchard and Nicholas
Marke or their Assignes to be houlden to the said John and his Assignes
for ever Alsoe to Marie Fouke my granchilde thirtye three shillings To William
Fouke and to the aforesaid Marie Fouke to either of them Fiftie pounds And in
case one of them should dye to the overliver of the said William and Marie
Fouke Item I doe give unto my three youngest sonnes the some of one hundred
pounds already in their hands to be equally devided betweene them Alsoe
I give to my daughter Julian the some of fortie pounds To her eldest sonne
Thomas Cullen the some of Fortie pounds To Marie Cullen the some of thirtie
pounds to be paide unto her at the age of eighteene yeares To Wm and John
Cullen tenn pounds a peece to be paide at the age of twentie and one
yeares Item I Will one Hundred poundes to be spent in my Funerall rites
All these petty legacies herein menconed wth some others named by me
on my death bed I desire may be accepted to buy some small thinge by
every one of them to be worne in remembrance of me Lastly I doe make
and ordaine my sonne Wm Harvey my sole executor of this my last will and
testament Comendinge him and all the rest of them to the blessinge of
of Almightie God desir them to live in his feare and unitie wth one
another fast knitt togeather as they may be evermore an helpe one to an=
other This his last will. Thomas Harvey Witnesses hereunto are Da:
Dolben vi: of Hackney ./
Probatum: fuit testamentum suprascriptum apud London Coram
venerabili viro magistro Thomas Ryves legum doctore Surrogator venera-
bilis viri Domini Willim Bire militis legum etiam doctoris Curie Pre=
rogative Cantuariensis magistri Custodis sive Commissarii legitime Consti=
tuti Decimo sexto die mensis Julii Anno Domini Millesimo sexcentesimo
vicesimo tertio Juramento Willmi Harvey filii dicti defuncti et executo=
ris in humismodi testamento nominati Cui Commissa fuit administratio
bonorum virium et Creditorum dicti defuncti De bena et fideliter admini=
strando eadem Ad sancta Dei Evangelia Jurat./
[i.e. probate granted 16 July 1623]
PCC will, TNA ref: PROB 11/142/121
The will of Thomas Harvey (husband of Joane Halke) (1549-1623) — No Comments
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