William Halke is, I think, a 1st cousin 11 x removed of mine.

Line breaks are as in the register copy, not indicated by ‘/’ which are as in the document.

Draft transcription – and not yet linked to tree


In the name of God amen The foureth Daye of Aprill in the

yere of the Raigne of oure Soveraigne Lord James by the grace of god kynge


of England France and Ireland Defender of the faithe &c that is to saie of England France

and Ireland the thriteenth and of Scotland the Eight and fortith I William Halke of

Upminster in the Countie of Essex Clerke beyng of good and sound memorye make and ordayne

my last will and testament in manner and forme folowinge First I Committ my Soule to

Almightie god and my bodye to be buryed in the Channcell of the parishe churche of Upminster

aforesayed. Item I give to the poore of Upminster fortie shillinges Item I give to the

poore of Hastinglighe in Kent twntie shillinges Item I give ot my loving nephewes

Daniel Harvey Eliab Harvye Mathewe Harvye Michael Harvye and to my loving

Neice Amy Harvye to either of them a silver spoone worthe tenne shillinges. Item I give to

my loving brother Richard Halke To my loving Brother in Lawe Thomas Harvey gent

To my loving Nephues William Harvey John Harvey and Thomas Harvey to every of

them a peece of plate worthe fortie shillinges in parte of recompence for theire paynes

and Care for the advanncement of my Wife and children according to the truste hereafter

mentioned. And desyring all my saied Brothers neiphewes and Neece to shewe kyndnes

to my children as occasion shalbe offred as I confidentlie hope they Will : And my

Will and mynde ys that yf at any tyme hereafter my Nephewes John Beane sonne

of John Beane of Eleham in the Countie of Kent and John Martyn sonne of Elias

Martyn late of the Citie of Canterburye deceased shalbe contented to acknowledge a fyne or make

suche releasse as they shalbe by my executrix hereafter named required unto of all theire rights

and Title to sixteene acres of Land more or lesse lying at Headhill in the parish of Reculver

in the Countie of Kent and of all former Covennts by me heretofore made concerning the

same. Then my Will is that my saied executrix paye unto the said John Martyn tenne poundes

And to the saied John Beane fyve poundes or suche other somme as they the saied John Martyn

and John Beane and my saied executrix shall agree uppon And I desire my sayed Brother

Richard Halke and my saied nephue John Harvey to be helpfull to my saied executrix for the

accomplishment hereof The Residue of all my goodes and Chattells my Funeralls beyng

Dischardged I give to Elizabeth my Welbeloved wife whom I make sole executrix of this

my Will And touching my Landes tenements and hereditaments in the parishes of Wye

Newchurche Mersham and Reculver in the Countie of Kent My Will and mynde ys that

after my decease my saied Brothers Thomas Harvie and Richard Halke and my sayed

Nephues William Harvye John Harvey and Thomas Harvye or the greatest nomber

of them have full power and lawfull aucthoritie by force of this my Will to sell all the

same Landes tenements and hereditaments or any parte thereof for the best price. The

same aucthoritie to contynewe for the space of tenne whole yeres next after my Decease

And the money comming of the same sale to be ymployed as foloweth : vizt : That one

of the same my debts be first payed and the Residue thereof to be put out for suche and

soe muche profitt and benefitt as the same maye reasonablie and lawfullie yeald at the

Discretion of my saied Brothers and neiphewes or the most parte of them. And then that

fortie poundes a yere of the same profittes be for the mayntennce of my said Wife and

suche of my children ^ {as} beyng younge shall require the Mothers contynewall hand The

same fortie poundes a yere to contynewe during the naturall life of my saied Wife

Neverthelesse with this condition that my saied wife make a lawfull release of a

Joyncture of sixteene poundes a yere to be yssuing and goyng out of a howse and

certaine Land in Wye aforesayed and of all suche righte of Dower as she mighte

Challenge out of all other my Landes Tenements ^ {& hereditaments} And after the Decease of my sayed

Wife the saied Annuitie of fortie poundes a yere ceasing my Will ys that all the residue

of the money comming of the saied Sale be Devided into soe many portions and parts

as I shall have sonnes and Daughters then living in suche sorte that every of my

sayed Sonnes have a double parte thereof and every of my saied Daughters a single

parte thereof. Nevertheles to be payed in manner and forme folowing vizt : To my

sayed Sonnes at theire severall, ages of fower and twentie yeres (yf they severally

live so longe) And yf one or more of them dye before that age Then the parte or


partes of hym or them soe Dying to come to hym or them that shall survive after the proportion afore=

saied And the portions of my saied Daughters to be paide to them at theire severall Dayes of

marriage or at theire severall ages of one and twentie yeres which shall first happen (yf they

live to either of the saied tymes yf either of them dye before the same tymes Then the parte of her soe

Dying to remayne to her that shall survive And till the tymes prefixed the profitts of the saied money

or sonne parte thereof to be ymployed at the Discretion of the saied Thomas Harvye Richard

Halke William Harvye John Harvey and Thomas Harvey or the greatest nomber of them for the

benefitt of some of my children : And yf bothe my saied Daughters dye before the tymes prescribed

for them to receyve theire portions (Then theire parts to remayne to my Sonnes surviving equallie

yf all my sonnes dye before the tymes prescribed for them to receyve theire saied portions leaving noe

yssue of them or of any of theire bodies lawfullie begotten Then my Will is that all theire sayed

portions remayne equallie to the children of my saied Daughters or Daughter yf they have

many children And yf there be but onlie one or twoe children to my saied Daughter or daughters

Then to remayne to that one or twoe children and to all the nowe Sonnes of my saied brother

in Lawe Thomas Harvye and to all the sonnes and Daughters which are or hereafter shalbe

to my saied Brother Richard Halke in manner and forme folowing vizt. That my saied

Neiphue William Harvey and the sonne or sonnes of my saied Brother Richard Halke (yf

he shall have any) and that saied one or twoe children of my saied Daughters or Daughter

have either of them a duble parte thereof and all the Residue single partes. And yf my saied

Landes Tenements and hereditaments shall not be sould as aforesaied in parte or in all

within the tymes before limited Then the same remayning unsould to be Devided alletted(?)

and assigned to my saied sonnes or sonne of them in equall or unequall partes by the saied Thoms

Harvey Richard Halke William Harvye John Harvye and Thomas Harvye or the greatest

nomber of them according to theire Discretion having respect to theire Towardues and

other preferments And the same Division alotment and assignation beyng expressed

in Wrighting to be effectuall in lawe to binde all and every of my saied sonnes And my

Will is that the profittes and revenewes of my saied Landes Tenements and hereditamts

be taken up and ymployed by the saied Thomas Harvey Richard Halke William Harvye and

John Harvye and Thomas Harvye or some one of them aswell before the Sale thereof (yf any

be as after suche alottment and assignation as aforesayed untill my saied Sonnes shall

accomplishe theire severall ages of fower and Twentie yeres for the benefitt of my saied children

or some of them at the Discretion of the saied Thomas Harvey Richard Halke William

Harvye John Harvye and Thomas Harvey or of the greatest nomber of them. In Witnesse

that I would have the same to stand for my Will: I have written th[a]t with my hand signed th[a]t

with my name and sealed th[a]t with my seale William Halke : Read and published in the

presence of John Belling senr The marke of John Belling Junr

Probatum fuit Testamentum suprascriptum apud London coram …

vicesimo tertio die Mensis Augusti Anno Dm millesimo Sexpcentesimo Decimo quinto

Juramento …

Proved at the PCC, to be found at TNA, ref. PROB 11/126/123


The will of the Rev. William Halke (c.1565-1615) — No Comments

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