Richard Halke was a cousin of my 9 x great grandfather, William Halke of Bircholt, whom he appointed his as his Executor. His probate documents are therefore of particular interest to me in showing something of what William had to do as Executor.
My print off from which I made the following transcription is not the clearest, and a few words are almost certainly mistranscribed. I will be going through those whose meaning is currently unknown to me which will probably help, but I think the majority of words are right, enough to make it worth sharing. Probably not worth copying – if you want a copy I suggest you look for yourself or wait untill I’ve done more work on this.
A true and p[er]fect Inventorye of all & Singuler the goods
Chattels credits & debts of Richard Halke late of the parish of
Hastingligh in the Countye of Kent yeoman deceased made and
indifferentlye apprysed by those whose names are hereunder written
the xxth day of Februarye Anno Dni 1624
Imprimis his purse girdle readye money & wearing apparell |
xxxs |
In the Chamber over the parlour | |
Item two standing bedsteedlis & one truckle bed | xxs |
Item one Featherbed & feather boulster two feather pillowes two blanckets & one Covering |
iiip |
Item two flockbeds, Two Coverlets foure blanckets one feather boulster & one flock boulster |
xls |
Item one great Chest, two other smaller chests one small boxe one ould chayre two lowe foote formes standing by the bedsides one presst[?] & one cradle |
xxs |
In one of the sayd Chests | |
Item xv payer of sheets vii table clothes two douzn & a halfe of napkins, iiii payer of pillowbeeres, vi handtowels |
viip |
Item two great Chargers two dousen of small platters one dousen of small fruite dishes, viii sausers, two pewter saltes & foure pewter candlesticks |
xls |
In the next Chamber | |
Item two ould truckle bedsteadles one small featherbed one flockbed, one white blanckett & two other blanckets, one boarded chest one feather boulster, two feather pillowes |
xls |
In the parlour | |
Item one joyned bedsteddle wth Saye Curteynes one Featherbed two blanckets, one Coverlett one feather boulster, wth matts & Repe[?] Curteyne Rods & valence |
vp |
Item one presse one Court Cubbord one short settle two joyned Chayres |
xxs |
Item one Joyned drawing table, twelve Joyned stooles six lowe Joyned stooles, & viii ould Cushions |
xxxs |
Item one Silver beaker one small Cup & fower Silver Spoones |
iii p |
Item one small double silver salt, one payer of great bradirons & one Bible booke |
iii p |
Item one payer of Tongues two small Creepers & a fire slice |
iiii s |
Item two ould Curtens & Curten rods with a looking glasse |
iiis vid |
In the Hall | |
Item one long table one forme one round Table a paynted cloth & a Latlise[?] |
xxs |
Item a Corplett a pike & horsemans peece | xs |
Item six brasse pots & one brasse panne Item two brasse Chasing dishes two litle kettles two stupretts & a brasse Ladle |
iii p |
Item one brewing Copper, one large brasse kettle one brasse chaster, & an other great kettle |
xls |
Item two Iron Rackes & two brandirons | ixs |
Item two dripping pans, three payer of pothakes one frying panne, three spitts |
xvs |
Item one brewing Turne, three Tubs, & five keelers | xxs |
In the Bakehouse | |
Item one malt Querne, a kneading trough & a moulding board |
xs |
In another Roome by | |
Item one wollen wheele an ould Cupbord & other lumber there | iiiis |
In the Seller | |
Item twentye milke Trugs, vii beere vessels, a safe & stalders for beere to stand upon, a Candle mould, & a Salt Stocke |
xls |
In the loft over the entrye | |
Item a Table, & tow Joyned formes | xiiis iiiid |
Item vii brasse Candlesticks & a warming panne | ixs |
Item two Chayres & two stooles | iiis |
In the Cheese house | |
Item one Tunne[?] & a Cheese presse | iiiis |
In the wheate lofte | |
Item a Skrye a bushel & a vanne[?] | vis |
Item one Cowe | iii l |
Item a sheat [1], or young hogge | vis |
Item Lumber, & other thinges forgotten | xiid |
John Taylor Richard dallye sume } [blank – actually comes
to £49-17-10]
Richard Morris totall }
Item there are owing to the sayd deceased upon two Bonds
The one wherof is 44l & the other ten pound in all 54 l:, wch } liiii li
when they shalbe receyved, (for asyet they are not payable,)
the executor will charge himselfe
And as touching the 400l mentioned in the will, to be owing
to the deceased, by one obligation wherin his Cousen Daniell Harveye
John Harveye & Eliab Harveye of London stand bound
unto him wch 400l the sayd deceased hath appoynted in his will } CCCCli
to be payd to his sonne William according to the Condicon of
the same obligation wch is after the death of his the sayd deceads
wife, In case the same 400l or any part therof shall ever
come to the executors hands he wille chargeable with the same
& not otherwise .//
Item a debt of xviiili owing by
Margaret Wells widow payable at
certeyne sev[er]all times hereafter to come } x viii li
Ex?? fuit humoi Ju?? Ex?? 20o die
Junii 1616 p[ro] …
This is a transcript of the inventory, archives ref: PRC/28/13/29 (held at the KHLC, viewable on microfilm there or at the CCA).
The related will can be seen here, and the executor’s accounts here.
[1] Sheat – shown in the online OED as a dialect word for a pig under one year old; of the 7 quotations 3 refer to Kent and one to Sussex. One of the former is more specific than the OED; “They [Kentish men] defined ‘sheets’ to be ‘pigs between the age of six and ten months’. ” (in Notes & Queries 1st Ser. VI. 339/1)
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