Most of this history has yet to be written. If a heading is not a link, the page has yet to be written!
The intention is that in time there will be many more pages than this contents list at present suggests.
The names Gotham, Goatham and other variants
Through the centuries
- The Medieval Period
- The Sixteenth Century
- The Seventeenth Century
- The Eighteenth Century
- The Nineteenth Century
- The Twentieth Century
(subjects looked at across the centuries)
- Occupations
- Mariners
- Emigration
(compulsory as well as voluntary, internal and external)- Within the British Isles
- To foreign lands
- Transportation
- The perils of travel
- Middle names
- The middle name of Gothams
- The middle name ‘Gotham’
Trees / Branches
- English
- Devonshire
- South West strays
- Kentish (may become a branch of Gothams elsewhere depending on Y-DNA results)
- Shropshire / Staffordshire
- Nottinghamshire area
- German (may be divided into branches when research has progressed further)
- Irish
- USA (descendants of ‘John the emigrant’, will be listed under the appropriate English branch if / when his origin is confirmed)
(these will be included in ‘Through the Centuries’; this section is just included to make it easier to find them)
Further reading
(this will not include all books referred to in the Go(a)tham History or tree etc., but those which are of particular interest to the history of Gothams)