William Halke is a 9 x great grandfather of mine.
Wear to the right edge of the document means a few letters a missing; I have added what I imagine would have been there in square brackets.
In the name of God, Amen. The fifteenth day of July Anno Dom: 1640 Juxta ?
I William Halk of Bircholt in the County of Kent gentleman being of good Sound me=
mory (I thank God therefore) doe make & declare my last Will & testament in manner &
forme following First I comitt & comend my soule to Almightie God, wthan assured hop[e]
by the onely & free mercy of Jesus Christ my Savior that my soule shall rest in Abrahams
bosome untill the resurrection of my body to the same att the coming of Christ to eternall
felicity And my body to be buryed in the parish Church of Brabourne in the sayd Coun[tie]
att the discretion of my Executor hereafter named: Item I doe give to the poore of the pa
rish of Bircholt the same three shillings & foure pence to be distributed by my Executor. I[tem]
I doe give to the poore of the parish of Brabourne tenn shillings to be distributed by my Exe[cutor]
Item I give unto my wife Elizaebth Halk in houshold stuffe of all sorts so much as shall be
valued att twentie pownds during her naturall life; And after her decease I bequeath the
same houshould stuffe unto my Executor hereafter named. Item I give unto my daught[er]
Susan Halk foure hundred pownds to be payd unto her, That is to say three hundred
pownds to be payd her three monthes after my decease & the other hundred pound to be payd
unto her twelve monthes after the decease of my wife Elizabeth. Item I give unto my
daughter Elizabeth the wife of John Bull of the parish of Brabourne gentleman twentie
shillings to buy her a ring. Item I give to every one of the Children of the sayd Elizabeth
twentie shillings to be payd unto them at the age of twentie & one yeares. Item I give to
the Children of my daughter Jane late wife of Thomas Beacon of the parish of Waltham gen[t]
to every one of them twentie shillings to be payd unto them att the age of twentie & one yeares
Item I give unto my daughter Agnes the wife of Henry Hart of the parish of Limi [Lyminge? Lympne?] gentl[eman]
twentie shillings to buy her a ring. Item I tive to every one of the sayd Agnes her children
twentie shillings to be payd unto them at the age of twentie & one yeares. Item I give unto
my daughter Alice twentie shillings to buy her aring. Item I give unto every one of my serva[nt]
men & maydens dwelling wth me att the day & time of my death five shillings to be payd to each.
Item all the residue of my goods & Chattells & debts owing unto me aswell reall as p[er]sonall not
given or bequeathed, I give unto my sonne Norton Halke whome I doe make & ordaine to be sole
Executor of this my last will & testament, And I will that he shall pay & discharge all my
debts & legacies. In Witness whereof I have here under sett my hand & seale the day
& yeare above written./Sealed subscribed published &c Willm Halke
as the last will & testament of the
said William Halke Declared
in the presence of
Lancelot Harrison
Edward Harrison
I William Halk of Bircholt in the County of Kent gentleman being of good Sound me=
mory (I thank God therefore) doe make & declare my last Will & testament in manner &
forme following First I comitt & comend my soule to Almightie God, wthan assured hop[e]
by the onely & free mercy of Jesus Christ my Savior that my soule shall rest in Abrahams
bosome untill the resurrection of my body to the same att the coming of Christ to eternall
felicity And my body to be buryed in the parish Church of Brabourne in the sayd Coun[tie]
att the discretion of my Executor hereafter named: Item I doe give to the poore of the pa
rish of Bircholt the same three shillings & foure pence to be distributed by my Executor. I[tem]
I doe give to the poore of the parish of Brabourne tenn shillings to be distributed by my Exe[cutor]
Item I give unto my wife Elizaebth Halk in houshold stuffe of all sorts so much as shall be
valued att twentie pownds during her naturall life; And after her decease I bequeath the
same houshould stuffe unto my Executor hereafter named. Item I give unto my daught[er]
Susan Halk foure hundred pownds to be payd unto her, That is to say three hundred
pownds to be payd her three monthes after my decease & the other hundred pound to be payd
unto her twelve monthes after the decease of my wife Elizabeth. Item I give unto my
daughter Elizabeth the wife of John Bull of the parish of Brabourne gentleman twentie
shillings to buy her a ring. Item I give to every one of the Children of the sayd Elizabeth
twentie shillings to be payd unto them at the age of twentie & one yeares. Item I give to
the Children of my daughter Jane late wife of Thomas Beacon of the parish of Waltham gen[t]
to every one of them twentie shillings to be payd unto them att the age of twentie & one yeares
Item I give unto my daughter Agnes the wife of Henry Hart of the parish of Limi [Lyminge? Lympne?] gentl[eman]
twentie shillings to buy her a ring. Item I tive to every one of the sayd Agnes her children
twentie shillings to be payd unto them at the age of twentie & one yeares. Item I give unto
my daughter Alice twentie shillings to buy her aring. Item I give unto every one of my serva[nt]
men & maydens dwelling wth me att the day & time of my death five shillings to be payd to each.
Item all the residue of my goods & Chattells & debts owing unto me aswell reall as p[er]sonall not
given or bequeathed, I give unto my sonne Norton Halke whome I doe make & ordaine to be sole
Executor of this my last will & testament, And I will that he shall pay & discharge all my
debts & legacies. In Witness whereof I have here under sett my hand & seale the day
& yeare above written./Sealed subscribed published &c Willm Halke
as the last will & testament of the
said William Halke Declared
in the presence of
Lancelot Harrison
Edward Harrison
With thanks to Tim Treml for sharing this will with me.
The will was proved in the Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury and is viewable on microfilm at the CCA or KHLC.
This is a transcript of the original will, archives ref: PRC/16/236 H/3 (more details about source on William’s page)
The register copy appears not to have survived.
The will of William Halke (c.1575-1641/2) — No Comments
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