Agnes Wogan née Heron is a 13 x great grandmother of mine.
I have aimed to show line breaks, spelling, punctuation and capitals as in the register copy. [ ] show additions – mostly to show modern place name spellings or modern terminology, also to show omitted letters. { } indicates superscript.

The Will

In the name of god Amen the viiijth Daie of Februarie in the yere of oure
Lord One thousand five hundred seaventie fouer and in the xvijth yere of the Raigne of oure soveraigne Ladie
Elizabeth by the grace of god of england Frannce and Ireland Quene Defender of the faith etc / For=
asmuche as all people ought to consider them selves in everie manner and behalf as thoughe Death were
evermore present and to eschew and avoyde the putting of and Differring of tyme in Doing anye worke
necessarie least death maye happen to have place before they shalbe for the same founde in a perfitt
redynes be yt therfore knowen to all xpen [Christian] people that I Agnes wogan of Sylvinche in the Countie of
Somerset widowe Doe make my Last will and testament in manner and forme followinge / First I give
and bequeath my soule to Allmightie god my maker and redeamer and will my bodie to be buried in the churche
of whitlakington, And as concerninge my Landes and Mannors and quillettes [1] in Brent M[er]she / in Crokern [Crewkerne] / in
Meriatt [Merriott] in Shepton beachm [Shepton Beauchamp], in Stocklinche [Stocklinch], in Sea / in Hilcom [Holcombe] / in Chilworthye / in Buckland in Come Saint Nicholas [Combe St. Nicholas] / Donyett [Donyatt] / Pisem[er]she [probably Peasmarsh, Ilminster], Langeporte [Langport], Estover [Eastover, probably in Langport parish] [2], Westover, and Curry Rivell within the countie
of Somerset Together with all other my Landes, Rentes, Revenues, Revercon[n]s, services and hereditamentes ells
where within the Realme of england, of the which Mannors Landes tenementes with other the premisses I
the said Agnes Wogan stand and am seased in my Demayne as of fee to thentent and for the consideracon
that I nowe therof maie, make this my Last will and testament in manner and forme followinge that is
to saie /. First I will and Devise that George Speake of whitlakington in the Countie of Somersett
Knight / Willm Stourton [son in law, husband of dau Mary] of Worminster [3] in the said Countie esquier and John Morgan of Maperton [4]
in the Countie of Dorset gentleman or the survivour of them, or their assignes shall yerlie receyve
perceve [5] and take ymediatlie after my Decease all the rentes revenues / yssues, and proffittes of all and
singuler the said Mannors Landes tenementes and other the premisses to the onlie use and behoufe of John
Rose sone of Nicholas Rose [6] Late of Shepton beachm in the Countie of Somerset Deceased untill the
said John Rose come unto his full age of xxiti yeres / Further I give and bequeath unto the Churche
of whitlakington in the said Countie of Somerset vjs viijd / of Laufull englishe money And also
to the churche of Saint Andrew in Welles I give xijd / Item my will is that my executrix and
Overseers shall give Distribute and Devide unto and emongest the poore people of the parrishe of Whitlakingto[n]
Stocklinche Otersea and Stocklinche Mawdelyn iiijli of Laufull englishe money accordinge to their Discrecon
The resydue of all my goodes moveable and unmoveable not given not given or bequeathed my Legaces and
funeralles paied and Discharged I give and bequeath to Marie Stourton my Daughter wief to William
Stourton of Wormyster aforesaid whome I doe apoint ordaine and make my whole ^ {& sole} executrix of this my
Last will and testament / In witnes wherof I the said Agnes Wogan have putt herunto my seale and
hand the Daie and yere abovewritten in the presens of Willm Sowthey Clark and parson of puckington
Anthonye powle and Roger Atkyn with other moe and Clement Quillet clerk / Agnes Wogan /

The Probate Statement

Probatum fuit h[uius]mo[d]i Testamentu[m] Coram D[omi]no Cantuar[iensis] Archiep[iscop]o apud
London ultimo die menses Aprilis Anno Domini Mill[es]imo Quingen[tesi]mo Septuagesimo quinto Jura[men]to
M[agist]ri Georgii Harrison no[ta]rij pu[bli]c[i]i procur[atoris] Marie Stourton ex[ecutrice] in h[uius]mo[d]i testamento no[m]i[n]at[i] / Cui comissa
fuit administraco bonorum etc. Ad Sancta Dei Ev[a]ngelia Jurat etc. /

Translation of the Probate Statement

[This will was proved before the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury at
London the last day of April in the Year of Our Lord one thousand five hundred and seventy five by the oath of
Master George Harrison public notary procurator for Mary Stourton executrix in this will named / to whom was committed
administration of the goods etc. He having been sworn on God’s Holy Gospels etc.]


‘Sylvinche’ I believe to be what is now Selvinge, with Selvinge Farm being marked on modern maps. It was in the parish of Whitelackington, where Agnes wished to be buried, but is closer to the villages of Puckington and Stocklinch, the poor of the two Stocklinch parishes being left money as well as those of Whitelackington.

[1] Quillets were the narrow strips of land farmer pre-enclosure. Without knowing if a place is mentioned because Agnes had just a quillet or 2, or a whole manor, it is hard to get an impression of how wealthy she was. (OED entry).

[2] There is also another Eastover in Somerset, near Bridgwater, but the position in this list suggests the Langport one.

[3] William Stourton was her son-in-law, husband of her daughter Mary.

[4] John Morgan was her grandson, son of her daughter Mary.

[5] Perceve = Perceive : ‘To receive (rents, profits, dues, etc.)’, (OED, meaning II 8a).

[6] I believe Nicholas Rose [Rosse] was a son of Agnes.

TNA ref: PROB 11/57/202


The will of Agnes Wogan née Heron (d. 1575) — No Comments

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