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St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England


The broach spire dominates the current external appearance of St. John's (see in Google map street view, but it was only added in the 1870s.

Church or Cemetery : Latitude: 51.383734755757516, Longitude: 1.383655071258545


Matches 1 to 60 of 248

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Baptised    Person ID 
1 Ann  6 May 1832St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I9499
2 ADAMS, Martha  23 Mar 1817St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I28999
3 ANDREWS, Hannah  10 Nov 1850St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I3520
4 ANDREWS, Robert  11 Nov 1849St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I3519
5 ANDREWS, Sarah  14 Mar 1852St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I3521
6 AUSTEN, John  26 Mar 1813St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I11914
7 AUSTEN, Margaret  26 Mar 1813St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I11913
8 AUSTEN, Mary  26 Mar 1813St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I11915
9 BARBER, Margaret  2 Mar 1756St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I32525
10 BARBER, Mary  25 Sep 1757St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I32526
11 BARBER, Vincent  20 May 1730St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I32524
12 BAX, Ann  15 Nov 1840St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I9493
13 BAX, Maria Ann  10 Nov 1833St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I9500
14 BAX, Mary Ann  12 Oct 1823St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I9494
15 BAX, Robert  29 Aug 1830St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I9498
16 BAX, Sarah Ann  3 Dec 1826St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I9496
17 BAX, Stephen James  28 Sep 1828St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I9497
18 BAX, William Pettet  28 Sep 1794St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I416
19 BAX, William Pettit  11 Oct 1835St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I9492
20 BAX, William Robert  21 Nov 1824St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I9495
21 BAX, William Thomas  25 Nov 1838St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I9501
22 BISHOP, Anne  2 Aug 1765St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I17510
23 BISHOP, Cornelius  9 Feb 1737/38St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I17505
24 BISHOP, Hannah  30 Aug 1772St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I17511
25 BISHOP, Hannah  21 Nov 1773St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I17507
26 BISHOP, John  17 Dec 1769St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I17512
27 BISHOP, Mary  1771St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I17513
28 BISHOP, Sarah  2 Oct 1768St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I17514
29 BISHOP, Susanna  8 Apr 1764St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I17515
30 BISHOP, Thomas  12 Apr 1767St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I17516
31 CANABY, Edward  19 Oct 1712St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I11985
32 CANABY, Elizabeth  16 Mar 1713/14St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I11986
33 CANABY, Elizabeth  20 Dec 1743St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I11991
34 CANABY, John  17 Feb 1722/23St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I11989
35 CANABY, Judith  15 Mar 1718/19St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I11983
36 CANABY, Richard  16 May 1725St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I11984
37 CANABY, Robert  12 Apr 1686St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I8021
38 CANABY, Robert  26 Aug 1716St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I11987
39 CANABY, Robert  6 Mar 1747/48St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I11992
40 CANABY, Thomas  22 May 1721St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I11988
41 CHURCH, Ann  11 Oct 1730St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I24066
42 CHURCH, Anne  7 Apr 1732St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I3211
43 CHURCH, Elizabeth  26 Feb 1717/18St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I24060
44 CHURCH, George  Jan 1725/26St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I24064
45 CHURCH, John  Oct 1721St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I24062
46 CHURCH, Mary  20 Dec 1719St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I24061
47 CHURCH, Sarah  Mar 1723St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I24063
48 DIGGES, Abigail  6 Mar 1630/31St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I19411
49 DIGGES, Ann  25 Jan 1628/29St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I19410
50 DIGGES, Ann  20 Jul 1663St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I19424
51 DIGGES, Ann  10 Sep 1665St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I19445
52 DIGGES, Ann  21 Feb 1676/77St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I19435
53 DIGGES, Anne  14 Apr 1700St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I1650
54 DIGGES, Charles  21 Mar 1692/93St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I19447
55 DIGGES, Dudley  23 Sep 1621St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I19404
56 DIGGES, Dudley  28 Sep 1634St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I19413
57 DIGGES, Dudley  18 Oct 1658St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I19420
58 DIGGES, Dudley  21 Sep 1660St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I19426
59 DIGGES, Dudley  18 Oct 1663St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I19425
60 DIGGES, Dudley  5 Nov 1668St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I19430

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Buried    Person ID 
1 Ann  11 Dec 1719St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I19438
2 Ann  10 Dec 1832St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I9499
3 Mary  9 Jul 1689St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I19427
4 ADAMS, Martha  2 Feb 1854St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I28999
5 BARBER, Margaret  14 Oct 1770St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I32525
6 BARBER, Vincent  8 Nov 1759St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I32524
7 BAX, Sarah Ann  5 Dec 1842St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I9496
8 BAX, Stephen James  2 May 1833St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I9497
9 BAX, William Pettit  28 Sep 1837St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I9492
10 BAX, William Robert  1 Jul 1830St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I9495
11 BISHOP, Anne  7 Nov 1767St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I17510
12 BISHOP, Cornelius  1 Jun 1784St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I17505
13 BISHOP, Elizabeth  17 Jun 1829St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I3210
14 BISHOP, Hannah  28 Sep 1772St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I17511
15 BISHOP, Hannah  14 Jan 1847St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I17507
16 BISHOP, John  25 Feb 1770St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I17512
17 BISHOP, Mary  1771St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I17513
18 BISHOP, Sarah  7 Dec 1768St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I17514
19 BRASIER, Hanah  5 Aug 1710St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I30197
20 BRASIER, Henry  16 Aug 1710St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I29661
21 CANABY, Judith  11 Jul 1720St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I11983
22 CANABY, Richard  6 Dec 1731St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I11984
23 CHARROSIN, Edward  19 Sep 1846St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I7873
24 CHURCH, Ann  24 Nov 1730St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I24066
25 CHURCH, Anne  12 May 1824St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I3211
26 CHURCH, George  2 Apr 1727St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I24064
27 CLARK, Mary  24 Mar 1852St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I8801
28 CLARK, Mary Ann  12 Mar 1847St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I37058
29 DANCASTER, Sarah  7 May 1736St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I19401
30 DIGGES, Abigail  29 Jul 1653St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I19411
31 DIGGES, Ann  21 Sep 1640St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I19410
32 DIGGES, Ann  8 May 1664St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I19424
33 DIGGES, Anne  22 Oct 1770St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I1650
34 DIGGES, Dudley  5 May 1633St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I19404
35 DIGGES, Dudley  28 Oct 1659St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I19420
36 DIGGES, Dudley  1 May 1661St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I19426
37 DIGGES, Dudley  13 Sep 1664St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I19425
38 DIGGES, Dudley  29 Aug 1669St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I19430
39 DIGGES, Dudley  2 Nov 1715St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I19413
40 DIGGES, Dudley  22 May 1719St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I19701
41 DIGGES, Dudley  11 Jun 1726St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I19702
42 DIGGES, Fabritio  21 Jan 1639/40St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I19403
43 DIGGES, Fabritio  2 Aug 1676St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I19434
44 DIGGES, Martha  2 Sep 1695St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I19440
45 DIGGES, Thomas  23 May 1633St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I19412
46 DIGGES, William  9 Oct 1662St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I19417
47 GANN, Mary  5 Jul 1791St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I25269
48 GOATHAM, Edward  6 Mar 1798St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I1651
49 GOATHAM, Edward  6 Feb 1840St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I1653
50 GOATHAM, Ellen  18 Nov 1637St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I17178
51 GOATHAM, Frederick James  5 Sep 1898St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I3818
52 GOATHAM, Mary  9 Nov 1734St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I1654
53 GOATHAM, Mary  5 Aug 1796St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I1655
54 GOATHAM, Robert  14 Apr 1847St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I3154
55 GODDEN, Sarah Solly [Father?]  6 Dec 1886St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I14267
56 GODDEN, Stephen  17 Jan 1833St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I14264
57 GRIGGS, Ann  27 May 1791St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I28013
58 GRIGGS, Ann  21 Jun 1850St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I29038
59 GRIGGS, Anna  1 Feb 1847St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I29037
60 GRIGGS, Charles  20 Apr 1812St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I28016

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Alt. Baptism

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Alt. Baptism    Person ID 
1 GRIGGS, William  10 Jun 1743St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I27977


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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Occupation    Person ID 
1 HYDE, Sarah Ann  From 1901 to 1911St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England I427


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   Family    Married    Family ID 
1 ADAMS / HARLOW  16 May 1815St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F11182
2 ANDREWS / HYDE  12 Nov 1848St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F305
3 BAKER / HYDE  27 Jul 1901St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F3251
4 BAKER / JACOBS  24 May 1831St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F5350
5 BARBER / MOOR  18 May 1755St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F302150
6 BASSET / THUNDER  4 Apr 1825St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F1320
7 BAX / HYDE  12 Oct 1822St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F301
8 BISHOP / BENNETT  24 Aug 1856St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F2904
9 BISHOP / MALPAS  16 Sep 1761St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F7023
10 BUSHELL / MOOR  10 Oct 1756St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F302149
11 CANABY / GOATHAM  19 Feb 1711/12St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F4190
12 CHARROSIN / SOLLY  18 Jan 1836St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F6062
13 DIGGES /   5 Dec 1667St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F7651
14 DIGGES /   27 Feb 1689/90St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F7653
15 DIGGES / GRAUNT  13 Mar 1650/51St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F7646
16 FORD / PHILPOTT  23 Mar 1781St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F11297
17 FOREMAN / HYDE  8 Oct 1853St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F308
18 FRANKLIN / PHILPOTT  28 Dec 1778St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F11296
19 GOATHAM / BISHOP  13 Nov 1782St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F1281
20 GOATHAM / CHURCH  13 Mar 1787St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F2478
21 GOATHAM / MOOR  19 Nov 1751St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F1280
22 GOATHAM / SHONK  13 Jun 1706St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F1265
23 GODDEN / HYDE  7 Oct 1891St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F3241
24 GODDEN / SOLLY  24 Dec 1808St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F6063
25 GRIGGS / ADAMS  12 Oct 1836St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F11175
26 GRIGGS / BARTLETT  4 Nov 1773St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F11181
27 GRIGGS / CLARK  13 Sep 1803St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F4438
28 GRIGGS / HILLS  29 Jun 1806St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F10837
29 GRIGGS / HINES  14 Jun 1844St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F10894
30 GRIGGS / SOLLY  11 Apr 1862St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F11166
31 GRIGGS / WINKWORTH  14 Sep 1834St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F10893
32 HOLMANS / FOAT  22 Apr 1851St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F4193
33 HOPPER / SLADDEN  12 Mar 1769St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F10886
34 HORN / GODDEN  13 Oct 1853St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F3344
35 HYDE / ATWOOD  3 Feb 1800St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F299
36 HYDE / FOX  27 Nov 1901St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F3267
37 HYDE / FULLER  14 Feb 1857St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F256
38 HYDE / GRIGGS  5 Jul 1823St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F298
39 HYDE / HARRIS  27 Oct 1894St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F3250
40 HYDE / HURST  9 Oct 1858St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F309
41 HYDE / PHILPOTT  11 Oct 1773St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F300
42 JACOBS / GANN  13 Jul 1756St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F9851
43 JACOBS / GOATHAM  23 Feb 1786St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F1283
44 JACOBS / RAYNER  29 Nov 1829St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F5348
45 JACOBS / SINGLETON  24 Dec 1796St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F10132
46 JOHNSON / GOATHAM  12 Jul 1627St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F8794
47 JONES / MOOR  16 Apr 1761St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F1849
48 KEMP / BUBB  26 Aug 1838St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F10829
49 KEMP / GRIGGS  17 Nov 1800St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F10828
50 KEMP / GRIGGS  4 Dec 1803St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F10895
51 MARTIN / HYDE  9 Oct 1854St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F307
52 MILLER / HYDE  12 Oct 1887St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F3242
53 NETHERSOLE / GRIGGS  6 Nov 1852St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F3484
54 PHILPOTT / WILDBORE  28 Feb 1711/12St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F11402
55 SETTERFIELD / FORESTAL  20 May 1787St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F2344
56 SHEARS / MANNING  1 Jul 1900St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F4197
57 SPAIN / JACOBS  15 May 1813St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F5349
58 STRANACK / DIGGES  26 Dec 1726St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F7655
59 THUNDER / BISHOP  21 Oct 1798St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F7024
60 TURNER / HYDE  5 Oct 1892St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F3244

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Banns of marriage

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   Family    Banns of marriage    Family ID 
1 GOATHAM / BISHOP  20 Oct 1782 to 3 Nov 1782St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F1281
2 GRIGGS / BARTLETT  From 19 Sep 1773 to 3 Oct 1773St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F11181
3 HYDE / ATWOOD  From 19 Jan 1800 to 2 Feb 1800St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F299
4 JACOBS / GANN  From 13 Jun 1756 to 27 Jun 1756St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F9851
5 JACOBS / SINGLETON  From 27 Nov 1796 to 11 Dec 1796St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F10132
6 KEMP / GRIGGS  From 2 Nov 1800 to 16 Nov 1800St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F10828
7 SETTERFIELD / FORESTAL  From 8 Apr 1787 to 22 Apr 1787St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England F2344