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Maidstone, Kent, England


Town / City : Latitude: 51.270363, Longitude: 0.5226989999999887


Matches 1 to 60 of 66

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 BRENCHLEY, Frederick William  Abt 1827Maidstone, Kent, England I4455
2 BRENCHLEY, George  Abt 1825Maidstone, Kent, England I4453
3 BRENCHLEY, James  Abt 1817Maidstone, Kent, England I4454
4 BRENCHLEY, John  Abt 1821Maidstone, Kent, England I4457
5 BRENCHLEY, Mary  Abt 1833Maidstone, Kent, England I4450
6 BRENCHLEY, Stephen  28 Feb 1794Maidstone, Kent, England I4442
7 BRENCHLEY, Stephen  Abt 1823Maidstone, Kent, England I4456
8 BRENCHLEY, Thomas Henry  Abt 1830Maidstone, Kent, England I4452
9 CRAYFORD, Augustus Robert  Abt 1878Maidstone, Kent, England I34782
10 CRAYFORD, William  1880Maidstone, Kent, England I34783
11 DEAN, Rebecca  Abt 1829Maidstone, Kent, England I7970
12 ELLIS, Ida Dorothy  Sep Q 1905Maidstone, Kent, England I24371
13 ELLIS, Leslie Charles  6 Jan 1907Maidstone, Kent, England I23840
14 ELLIS, Queenie May  Sep Q 1903Maidstone, Kent, England I29359
15 FINN, Charles  Abt 1889Maidstone, Kent, England I22980
16 FINN, Robert Thomas  Mar Q 1887Maidstone, Kent, England I22979
17 FLETCHER, Lucy Mary  20 Nov 1883Maidstone, Kent, England I5599
18 FLETCHER, Olive Elizabeth  Bef 1827Maidstone, Kent, England I34937
19 FOWLER, Amos Richard  Sep Q 1879Maidstone, Kent, England I28527
20 FOWLER, Arthur  Sep Q 1881Maidstone, Kent, England I28528
21 FOWLER, James  Dec Q 1871Maidstone, Kent, England I28525
22 GOATHAM, Emmie Sibil  20 Feb 1887Maidstone, Kent, England I526
23 GOODHEW, Olive Maria  Sep Q 1880Maidstone, Kent, England I2269
24 GREENFIELD, Rose Anna  Jun Q 1853Maidstone, Kent, England I22975
25 GREENFIELD, William John  Sep Q 1874Maidstone, Kent, England I22976
26 HARRISON, Wallace Richard  5 Oct 1873Maidstone, Kent, England I9174
27 HOPKINS, Colin  14 Oct 1969Maidstone, Kent, England I3623
28 HOWES, Ellen Louisa  Jun Q 1843Maidstone, Kent, England I4204
29 HUNT, Edward  1818Maidstone, Kent, England I15410
30 HUNT, Joshua ??  Abt 1843Maidstone, Kent, England I2360
31 HUNT, Richard [Parents?]  Abt 1701Maidstone, Kent, England I603
32 JARRETT, George James  27 Sep 1880Maidstone, Kent, England I3874
33 JURY, Elizabeth  Abt 1820Maidstone, Kent, England I28564
34 PAYNE, Charles Alfred  Abt 1883Maidstone, Kent, England I22691
35 PENFOLD, Thomas  Abt 1882Maidstone, Kent, England I35927
36 PERRIN, William  1851Maidstone, Kent, England I6632
37 PRIOR, Alfred  Jun Q 1849Maidstone, Kent, England I7971
38 PRIOR, Charles  Mar Q 1855Maidstone, Kent, England I7974
39 PRIOR, Elizabeth Sarah  Abt Aug 1850Maidstone, Kent, England I7972
40 PRIOR, Rebecca  Dec Q 1851Maidstone, Kent, England I7973
41 RIDOUT, Gladys  27 Sep 1913Maidstone, Kent, England I8211
42 ROBINSON, William Charles  Dec Q 1869Maidstone, Kent, England I9329
43 SANCTO, Robert Pattison  Abt 1828Maidstone, Kent, England I13276
44 SILLS, Robert Thomas  9 Sep 1898Maidstone, Kent, England I30516
45 SLINGSBY, Georgina Rose  Sep Q 1853Maidstone, Kent, England I21956
46 SNOAD, Ethel Kathleen  Mar Q 1873Maidstone, Kent, England I7999
47 STEVENS, Sarah  Abt 1862Maidstone, Kent, England I32676
48 SWAN, Elizabeth Isabella  Abt 1863Maidstone, Kent, England I1968
49 WAITE, Caroline  Abt 1842Maidstone, Kent, England I25041
50 WELLS, Edward George Frederick  Sep Q 1886Maidstone, Kent, England I22983
51 WHITEHEAD, Arthur  Jun Q 1884Maidstone, Kent, England I35538
52 WHITEHEAD, Augustus  Sep Q 1854Maidstone, Kent, England I34785
53 WHITEHEAD, Augustus  9 Nov 1887Maidstone, Kent, England I35539
54 WHITEHEAD, Charlotte  Jun Q 1882Maidstone, Kent, England I35537
55 WHITEHEAD, Edgar  Jun Q 1896Maidstone, Kent, England I35542
56 WHITEHEAD, Edith  3 Jan 1892Maidstone, Kent, England I35540
57 WHITEHEAD, Elizabeth  Abt 1862Maidstone, Kent, England I34778
58 WHITEHEAD, Frances  Sep Q 1880Maidstone, Kent, England I35534
59 WHITEHEAD, Frances Louisa  Mar Q 1886Maidstone, Kent, England I34779
60 WHITEHEAD, Henry Mills  Dec Q 1858Maidstone, Kent, England I34776

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Matches 1 to 3 of 3

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Died    Person ID 
1 CROOCH, Elizabeth  May 1655Maidstone, Kent, England I11417
2 SNOAD, Ethel Kathleen  Dec Q 1951Maidstone, Kent, England I7999
3 STUBBERFIELD, Robert  Oct 1637Maidstone, Kent, England I11416

Civic duty

Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Civic duty    Person ID 
1 BIGGE, John  Maidstone, Kent, England I4054


Matches 1 to 6 of 6

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Education    Person ID 
1 PRIOR, Ellen  1871Maidstone, Kent, England I7995
2 PRIOR, Harry  1881Maidstone, Kent, England I7984
3 PRIOR, Jessie  1871Maidstone, Kent, England I7997
4 PRIOR, Jessie  1881Maidstone, Kent, England I7985
5 SNOAD, Charles Clifford  1881Maidstone, Kent, England I8000
6 SNOAD, Ethel Kathleen  1881Maidstone, Kent, England I7999


Matches 1 to 15 of 15

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Occupation    Person ID 
1 BEACON, George  11 Dec 1835Maidstone, Kent, England I7686
2 BIGGE, John  1634Maidstone, Kent, England I4054
3 BRENCHLEY, Stephen  From 1817 to 1837Maidstone, Kent, England I4442
4 BRENCHLEY, Stephen  1841Maidstone, Kent, England I4432
5 DOUST, Jennie Elizabeth  1911Maidstone, Kent, England I3826
6 HARRISON, Wallace Richard  1901Maidstone, Kent, England I9174
7 HUNT, Edward  1841Maidstone, Kent, England I9593
8 HUNT, George  From 1822 to 1841Maidstone, Kent, England I9587
9 HUNT, Henry  From 1818 to 1820Maidstone, Kent, England I15409
10 PRIOR, Ann  From 1871 to 1881Maidstone, Kent, England I7992
11 PRIOR, Ann  1891Maidstone, Kent, England I7992
12 PRIOR, Ellen  1881Maidstone, Kent, England I7995
13 PRIOR, Harriet  1891Maidstone, Kent, England I7996
14 PRIOR, Jessie  1891Maidstone, Kent, England I7997
15 SNOAD, Charles Hayward  1871Maidstone, Kent, England I7998


Matches 1 to 2 of 2

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Residence    Person ID 
1 ARCHER, Benjamin  1689Maidstone, Kent, England I22255
2 BOLTON, Charlotte  1894Maidstone, Kent, England I15280