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Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England


The boundaries in 1851 can be seen on this map. There were a few changes between 1837 and 1941, when the district was abolished, the largest part then becoming part of Sittingbourne district. The coverage and all the changes are detailed here.

Registration District : Latitude: 51.287194340242344, Longitude: 0.8895492553710938


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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 AMOS, George Robert  Dec Q 1892Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I26371
2 ANDREWS, Dorothy Beatrice  Dec Q 1909Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I14820
3 AVERY, Dorothy Jessie  Dec Q 1905Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I27832
4 BAKER, Caroline Amelia  Jun Q 1871Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I22517
5 BAKER, Charles Roderick  Mar Q 1874Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I22511
6 BAKER, Frederick James  Sep Q 1872Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I22512
7 BAKER, Gertrude  Jun Q 1883Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I22515
8 BAKER, Martha Elizabeth  Mar Q 1877Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I22516
9 BAKER, Rachel Maud  Jun Q 1883Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I22514
10 BAKER, Walter James  Dec Q 1862Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I22510
11 BAKER, [Unnamed]  Jun Q 1864Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I22519
12 BALDOCK, Emily Jane  Jun Q 1868Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13291
13 BARHAM, Marjorie Helen  Mar Q 1915Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I25808
14 BARNES, Henrietta Grace (“Hetty”)  29 Mar 1893Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I8763
15 BEACON, Alfred George  Jun Q 1889Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13373
16 BEACON, Alfred William  Jun Q 1884Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13366
17 BEACON, Ann Sarah  Mar Q 1891Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13377
18 BEACON, Anne Sarah Attwater  Sep Q 1874Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13385
19 BEACON, Arthur Robert  Sep Q 1907Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13376
20 BEACON, Caroline  Sep Q 1868Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13364
21 BEACON, Caroline  Mar Q 1888Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13395
22 BEACON, Dorothy Ruth  Jun Q 1890Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13396
23 BEACON, Ebenezer George  Dec Q 1882Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13392
24 BEACON, Edward Lewis  Mar Q 1885Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13394
25 BEACON, Edward Lewis  Mar Q 1903Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13400
26 BEACON, Eliza Martha  Mar Q 1886Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13372
27 BEACON, Emily  Dec Q 1875Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I14797
28 BEACON, Emily Elizabeth  Jun Q 1898Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13367
29 BEACON, Ethelbert Walter Enoch  Dec Q 1886Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13389
30 BEACON, Fanny  Mar Q 1901Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13371
31 BEACON, Frank Archibald  Jun Q 1884Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13388
32 BEACON, George  Mar Q 1887Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13391
33 BEACON, Grace  Jun Q 1892Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13397
34 BEACON, John Frederick  Mar Q 1900Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13368
35 BEACON, Lily Elizabeth  Dec Q 1897Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I26044
36 BEACON, Nellie Caroline  Mar Q 1901Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13375
37 BEACON, Richard  Jun Q 1893Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13370
38 BEACON, Stephen  Jun Q 1905Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13369
39 BEACON, William Charles  Mar Q 1896Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13374
40 BECON, Alice  Jun Q 1852Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I26106
41 BECON, Lily Rosetta Victoria  Mar Q 1887Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I26045
42 BOON, William Robert  Mar Q 1872Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I29435
43 BRAND, Dorothy May  18 May 1902Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I23127
44 BROADWAY, Doreen Sylvia Nellie  10 Aug 1926Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13635
45 BROADWAY, Jessie Winifred Kathleen  Jun Q 1921Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13634
46 BURCH, Harry George  30 Sep 1910Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I24237
47 BURDEN, Ernest Albert Edward  6 Feb 1886Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I34059
48 BURRAGE, Dorothy Blanche Nellie  12 Mar 1915Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I18986
49 CARTER, Derek Charles  Mar Q 1932Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I18988
50 CARTER, Gwendoline Ada Winifred  Dec Q 1925Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I34006
51 CHAMBERS, Leslie Oliver  Sep Q 1901Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I34010
52 CHEESMAN, John Edward  12 Mar 1914Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I29366
53 CHITTENDEN, Gladys Emily Beatrice  4 Dec 1924Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I34061
54 COLEMAN, Charles William  Jun Q 1870Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I4526
55 COLEMAN, Sarah Isabel  Mar Q 1873Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I29351
56 COX, Ellen Celia  10 Apr 1885Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I30511
57 DEVERSON, Percy Charles  Jun Q 1893Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I32992
58 EASON, George  Mar Q 1871Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I36565
59 EMERY, Cyril Norman  9 Sep 1915Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I19370
60 EMERY, Sylvia June  16 Aug 1936Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I10422

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Died    Person ID 
1 AKHURST, Christina Frances  Jun Q 1909Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13314
2 AMOS, George Robert  Sep Q 1893Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I26371
3 AVERY, Dorothy Jessie  Jun Q 1907Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I27832
4 AYLETT, Mary  Jun Q 1846Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I28555
5 AYLETT, Thomas  Mar Q 1848Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I28554
6 BAKER, Edward Jarett  Dec Q 1940Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I1404
7 BAKER, Elizabeth  Jun Q 1890Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I36746
8 BAKER, Elizabeth Jane  Dec Q 1895Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I1407
9 BAKER, Walter James  Mar Q 1871Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I22510
10 BAKER, Walter James  Mar Q 1919Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I22507
11 BAKER, [Unnamed]  Jun Q 1864Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I22519
12 BEACON, Ann  Mar Q 1886Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13341
13 BEACON, Fanny  Mar Q 1902Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13371
14 BEACON, Lily Elizabeth  Dec Q 1897Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I26044
15 BEACON, William Ernest  10 Mar 1941Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I14802
16 BEACON, William Lewis  Dec Q 1886Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13383
17 BECON, Alice  Jun Q 1856Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I26106
18 BECON, Lily Rosetta Victoria  Sep Q 1887Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I26045
19 BECON, William  Mar Q 1896Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13273
20 BERRY, Nellie Clinch  Mar Q 1938Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I30769
21 BERRY, Willa Louisa  Sep Q 1935Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I30773
22 BOON, Eleanor Sophia  Jun Q 1871Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I29439
23 BOON, Robert  Mar Q 1874Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I29434
24 BRUNGER, Ann Catherine  Dec Q 1927Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I22644
25 BUTLER, Janette Cordelia  Jun Q 1932Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I19773
26 CHALKLEN, Edward  Mar Q 1895Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I19846
27 CHERRISON, Robert  Jun Q 1929Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I32547
28 CLASPER, Margaret  Sep Q 1914Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I24303
29 CREED, Elizabeth Ann  Mar Q 1847Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I23897
30 CRIPPS, Albert Edwin  Sep Q 1899Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I32039
31 EASON, Henry  Dec Q 1928Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I36563
32 ELDRIDGE, Mary Ann  Jun Q 1890Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I30120
33 FENN, Robert  Dec Q 1926Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I6692
34 FENTIMAN, James Arthur  Dec Q 1882Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I32306
35 FENTIMAN, Jane  Sep Q 1882Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I32307
36 FENTIMAN, William Arthur  Sep Q 1927Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I24281
37 FENTIMAN, William James  Mar Q 1889Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I32308
38 FILMER, George Albert  Mar Q 1894Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I19780
39 FILMER, George William  Mar Q 1933Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I19772
40 FILMER, [Unnamed]  Mar Q 1888Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I22918
41 FOREMAN, Priscilla Maria  Dec Q 1884Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I22508
42 FORSTER, Mary  Mar Q 1875Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I24028
43 FRIDD, Sarah Anne  1899Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I5590
44 FROST, Ebenezzer  Dec Q 1899Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I14810
45 GAWLER, John  Jun Q 1852Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I8690
46 GOATHAM, Amos  Mar Q 1933Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I170
47 GOATHAM, Charlotte (“Lotty”)  Jun Q 1912Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I452
48 GOLDSMITH, Thomas  Mar Q 1872Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I22599
49 GOODHEW, Elizabeth Jane  Jun Q 1918Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I2256
50 GOODHUGH, Sarah  Sep Q 1859Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I33694
51 HADLOW, Isaac Henry  Jun Q 1886Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I3314
52 HALL, Anna Maria  Mar Q 1904Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I19687
53 HALL, Emma Ann Beal  Dec 1926Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I371
54 HARLOW, Sarah Ann  Jun Q 1899Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13277
55 HARRIS, James  Between 1900 and 1915Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I30117
56 HARRIS, James  Dec Q 1925Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I30105
57 HAYHOW, Esther Ann  Mar Q 1935Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I14795
58 HAYHOW, Margaret Selina  Mar Q 1886Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I14796
59 HAYHOW, Thomas Thompson  Mar Q 1885Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I14793
60 HISTED, Susannah  Dec Q 1859Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England I13281

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   Family    Married    Family ID 
1 AMOS / HYDE  Dec Q 1887Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F296
2 AYLETT / WILCOX  Jun Q 1916Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F10086
3 BEACON / AKHURST  Dec Q 1883Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F5786
4 BEACON / CARD  7 Jul 1889Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F5789
5 BEACON / MANNOUCH  Dec Q 1876Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F5782
6 BECON / HARLOW  Jun Q 1848Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F5777
7 BECON / KENNARD  Sep Q 1861Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F5779
8 BECON / WARD  Mar Q 1867Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F6245
9 BIRCH / SNOAD  Jun Q 1899Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F8901
10 BOON / BRUNGER  Jun Q 1869Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F11339
11 BRANCHETT / BERRY  Jun Q 1908Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F11816
12 BRANCHETT / WALTER  Jun Q 1937Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F11817
13 BRAY / STEVENS  Jun Q 1913Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F11026
14 BROADWAY / FENN  Dec Q 1915Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F5876
15 BURCH / HOBDAY  Dec Q 1933Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F9438
16 CHAMBERS / FENN  6 Dec 1924Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F2652
17 CHEESMAN / ELLIS  Jun Q 1935Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F11309
18 CHERRISON / HUBBARD  Jun Q 1869Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F9969
19 COOKE / BERRY  Sep Q 1907Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F3556
20 COWLETT / BAKER  Jun Q 1917Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F9430
21 CRIPPS / HAYHOW  Sep Q 1887Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F1576
22 DUTNALL / PHIPPS  Jun Q 1873Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F9730
23 EASON / WYLES  Mar Q 1870Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F8087
24 EMERY / GOODSELL  Jun Q 1933Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F7633
25 FELLOWES / SNOAD  Jun Q 1921Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F11754
26 FENN / REVELL  Mar Q 1927Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F11117
27 FENTIMAN / PHILPOTT  Dec Q 1936Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F7489
28 FILMER / BUTLER  Dec Q 1878Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F7762
29 FILMER / COX  Mar Q 1912Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F11718
30 FILMER / MARSH  Dec Q 1917Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F1753
31 GATES / HALLIDAY  Dec Q 1915Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F9080
32 GILLETT / FILMER  Dec Q 1935Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F11717
33 GODDEN / BEER  Dec Q 1908Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F9065
34 GODDEN / BRAND  Sep Q 1938Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F9067
35 GOODHEW / PILCHER  Dec Q 1876Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F1727
36 HARRIS / FILMER  Sep Q 1915Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F7763
37 HODGES / JARRETT  Dec Q 1867Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F11345
38 HOLLANDS / FOSTER  Sep Q 1878Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F9407
39 HUNT / JEMMETT  Jun Q 1899Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F9146
40 INGE / BRIDGES  Jun Q 1841Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F8875
41 JEMMETT / STRATFORD  Sep Q 1902Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F1652
42 JEMMETT / WATLING  Mar Q 1930Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F1703
43 JORDAN / PEPPER  Jun Q 1916Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F11870
44 KEELER / FRIDD  Jun Q 1887Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F671
45 KEELER / HUNT  Dec Q 1901Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F670
46 KITE / WYLES  Dec Q 1901Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F8191
47 LEDNER / POWELL  Jun Q 1909Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F2732
48 LITTLE / JEMMETT  Mar Q 1880Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F1859
49 LYONS / BAKER  Dec Q 1906Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F10124
50 MANNOUCH / KENNARD  Sep Q 1847Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F5780
51 MANUELL / PILES  Dec Q 1921Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F8175
52 MAYLUM / BRUNGER  Jun Q 1860Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F11338
53 NEWING / JENKINS  Dec Q 1911Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F4434
54 OTTAWAY / SNOAD  Sep Q 1935Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F11753
55 PALMER / GREGORY  Sep Q 1933Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F10545
56 PEPPER / ARNOLD  Sep Q 1926Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F11866
57 PEPPER / DARBY  Dec Q 1915Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F11869
58 PEPPER / GREGORY  Jun Q 1928Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F11274
59 PEPPER / HEAD  Dec Q 1913Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F11868
60 PETTS / FILMER  Dec Q 1899Faversham Reg Dist, Kent, England F1748

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