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Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England


Latitude: 54.78527, Longitude: -1.35357


Matches 1 to 20 of 20

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 BARRON, Ellison  31 Dec 1936Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England I36361
2 BELL, Ethel Maud  Dec Q 1902Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England I25103
3 EILBECK, Mary Ellen  12 Apr 1903Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England I311
4 ELLISON, Miriam  27 Jan 1923Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England I13112
5 FENWICK, James  9 Apr 1904Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England I13096
6 JOHNSON, Jean  3 Dec 1932Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England I3004
7 JOHNSON, William  18 Jan 1935Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England I299
8 PATTINSON, Alice Ellen  8 Jun 1918Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England I35572
9 RAYMOND, Elizabeth  22 Jul 1928Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England I26447
10 TULIP, Frank  Mar Q 1927Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England I308
11 VOGWELL, Alexander  3 Nov 1894Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England I13065
12 VOGWELL, Ann  Dec Q 1898Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England I13068
13 VOGWELL, Blanche  26 Nov 1895Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England I13066
14 VOGWELL, Edwina  13 Jun 1905Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England I13072
15 VOGWELL, Frederick  Dec Q 1899Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England I13069
16 VOGWELL, James Henry  Mar Q 1894Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England I13064
17 VOGWELL, John  Mar Q 1901Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England I13070
18 VOGWELL, Margaret  2 May 1892Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England I13063
19 VOGWELL, Ralph  9 Aug 1897Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England I13067
20 VOGWELL, Ruth Edwina  Mar Q 1902Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England I13071


Matches 1 to 10 of 10

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Died    Person ID 
1 BAILEY, Betsey  Sep Q 1908Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England I979
2 BELL, Ethel Maud  Dec Q 1903Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England I25103
3 BELL, Samuel John Lawson  Sep Q 1901Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England I5312
4 RAYMOND, Richard (Rich)  Mar Q 1870Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England I3464
5 VOGWELL, Alexander  17 Nov 1894Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England I13065
6 VOGWELL, Ann  Jun Q 1899Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England I13068
7 VOGWELL, Frederick  Dec Q 1899Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England I13069
8 VOGWELL, John  Sep Q 1901Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England I13070
9 VOGWELL, Ruth Edwina  Mar Q 1904Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England I13071
10 VOGWELL, Thomas  Sep Q 1905Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England I1020


Matches 1 to 8 of 8

   Family    Married    Family ID 
1 BROWN / RAYMOND  Jun Q 1932Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England F4293
2 DOWSON / VOGWELL  Jun Q 1919Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England F5719
3 FENWICK / VOGWELL  Sep Q 1933Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England F5724
4 PRESTON / BAILEY  Sep Q 1914Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England F201
5 RAYMOND / HALL  Dec Q 1870Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England F2683
6 STEVENS / HILL  Dec Q 1873Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England F2679
7 VOGWELL / BROWN  Jun Q 1919Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England F5718
8 WALLACE / VOGWELL  Sep Q 1923Easington Reg Dist, Co. Durham, England F5729