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Has no ancestors but 506 descendants in this family tree.Set As Default Person
Name Elizabeth Relationship with Teresa Ann GOATHAM Gender Female Buried St. Michael’s Church, Blackawton, Devon, England - An Elizabeth was buried in 1784 - could be this one, but several others it could also be:
"November 30 was buried Elizabeth Lavers" - under heading '1784'
Person ID I53 All | Teresa's direct ancestors Last Modified 13 Mar 2016
Family John LAVERS, b. Est 1702, d. Yes, date unknown Married Est 1727 - ** Please note: I am only guessing that this couple might be the parents of my ancestor John, and hence my 7 x gt grandparents **
Estimate of date based on date of baptism of first known child, 1728
Children 6 children Last Modified 28 Aug 2014 Family ID F28 Family Group Page | Family Chart
- An Elizabeth was buried in 1784 - could be this one, but several others it could also be:
Event Map Click to hide Buried - - St. Michael’s Church, Blackawton, Devon, England Child - John LAVERS - Abt 1724 - Slapton, Devon, England Child - Ann LAVERS - 24 Jan 1730/31 - St. Michael’s Church, Blackawton, Devon, England Child - Elias LAVERS - 12 Jan 1741/42 - St. Michael’s Church, Blackawton, Devon, England = Link to Google Earth (if installed; see link below to install) Pin Legend