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Robert HYDE

Robert HYDE

Male 1802 - 1877  (74 years)    Has 47 ancestors and 213 descendants in this family tree.

 Set As Default Person    

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  • Name Robert HYDE 
    Relationshipwith Teresa Ann GOATHAM
    Born 11 Jul 1802  Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location 
    • Date from baptism entry, also seaman's register ticket has same date. Place from censuses.
    Baptised 8 Aug 1802  St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location 
    • From KFHS transcription - CD 28
    Gender Male 
    Occupation From 1819 to 1877 
    • All documentation, 1823-61 i.e. censuses and at the baptism of each of his 11 children describe Robert as a mariner, though the 1871 census describes him as a fisherman and his death certificate as a boatman.
      His seaman's register ticket of 1844 says that he first went to sea as a boy in 1819.
      Although it shows that when unemployed he resided at Margate, it was issued at Ramsgate (and reissued there in 1846) - and it shows that he was a "Seaman". 

      It also shows he had never served in the Royal Navy or been in the Foreign Service.

      The following report appeared in the Kentish Gazette of Tuesday 31 Jan 1854 - could refer to his son but I think it's more likely this Robert:
      Under the heading "Margate" and subheading "Police Court, Wednesday":
      (Before W. H. S. George, Thos Blackburn, W. J. Gilder, Esqrs., and Rev. G. W. Sicklemore.)
      Robert Hyde was summoned for an assault on Edward Emptage. The evidence in this case was taken ex parte, the defendant not appearing. The plaintiff being sworn, deposed that on Thursday last he, with others, had engaged to go fishing with the defendant, and after getting the boat read for sea the defendant refused to go, and asked them to push the boat in again, which they refused to do, and told him to push it in himself if he wanted it pushed in. He then gave the plaintiff a blow on the side of the head.
      - The case being clearly proved, the Bench convicted him in a fine of 5s. and 10s. 6d. costs; in default, 21 days in the House of Correction at Dover.
    Residence 1841  27, Pleasant Place, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location 
    • At the time of the 1841 Robert and Mary were living in Pleasant Place with their 7 children (Ann ,Sarah, their 2nd son named Robert, Maria, Emily, John and William)
    Physical Description 1844 
    • Height: 5ft 3½inches; Hair: Brown; Complexion: Fair; Eyes: Dk(?) Blue; Marks: none
      (from seaman's register ticket)
    Residence From 1851 to 1855  3, Pump Lane, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location  [1
    • At the time of the 1851 census Robert and Mary were living in Pump Lane with their 5 children (Robert, Emily, John, William and Ann)

      Their house along with neighbouring property were put up for sale in 1855, in 4 lots, being advertised in the South Eastern Gazette.
      Lot 3 was described as "A similar freehold dwelling-house, adjoining lot 2, being No. 3, Pump-lane, in the occupation of Mr. Robert Hyde, at £5 4s. per annum." (i.e. the rent was 2/- a week)

      No. 2, the house to which it was similar was described as "containing 4 rooms, with frontage also in Fountain-lane" - I would guess from this that No. 3 also had 4 rooms, but be less sure whether it too had frontage in Fountain Lane.

      Whether the new owners wanted the Hyde family out, or put the rent up unacceptably or whether Robert decided to move - possibly due to needing less rooms as more children left home - but by the time of the 1861 census the family had left Pump Lane.
    Residence From 1861 to 1871  3, Carters Cottages, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location 
    • At the time of the 1861 census Robert and Mary were iving at 3 Carters' Cottages with their children William and Mary Ann and their granddaughter Jane Andrews, and it was there that Mary died in 1870.
      At the time of the 1871 census Robert was still living there, now just with his same granddaughter, Jane (now aged 16, a laundress).
      Sometime between then and his death he must have been admitted to the Union Workhouse in Minster.
    Died 11 Jun 1877  The Union Workhouse, Minster in Thanet, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location 
    Cause: Natural decay 
    • GRO Ref: HYDE, Robert q2 1877 aged 75 Thanet RD 2a 487

      The Workhouse was demolished in 1989 - I was too late finding a connection to take a photo, but information about it can be found on The Workhouse website - Isle of Thanet page.
    Death certificate for Robert Hyde (b 1802)
    Death certificate for Robert Hyde (b 1802)
    Buried 14 Jun 1877  St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location 
    • KFHS transcript CD 28
      aged 75, abode Thanet Union
    Siblings 3 brothers and 5 sisters 
    Patriarch & Matriarch
    John HYDE,   b. Est 1750, (probably), North Weald Bassett, Essex, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location,   d. Between 1778 and 1783  (Age ~ 28 years)  (Grandfather) 
    Ann ATWOOD,   b. Abt 1778, (probably), Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location,   d. Apr 1827, Poplar, Middlesex, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location  (Age ~ 49 years)  (Mother) 
    Person ID I410  All | Teresa's direct ancestors
    Last Modified 14 Nov 2022 

    Father Robert HYDE, [Parents?],   b. Abt 1778, (possibly), Middlesex, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location,   d. 28 Oct 1845, No. 5, London Street, Ratcliff, Stepney, Middlesex, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location  (Age ~ 67 years) 
    Mother Ann ATWOOD,   b. Abt 1778, (probably), Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location,   d. Apr 1827, Poplar, Middlesex, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location  (Age ~ 49 years) 
    Banns of marriage From 19 Jan 1800 to 2 Feb 1800  St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location 
    • From PR entry (image on FMP, viewed 5 Oct 2012):
      "Banns of Marriage between Robert Hyde & Ann Atwood both of this Parish were published ... by me W Chapman"
    Married 3 Feb 1800  St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location 
    • From PR entry (image on FMP, viewed 6 Dec 2012)
      By banns, both otp, Robert signed, Ann made her mark; witnesses were Richard Wilson and Ann Wilson
      (transcript also on KFHS CD 28)
    Family ID F299  Family Group Page  |  Family Chart

    Family Mary Ann GRIGGS,   b. 2 Sep 1804, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location,   d. 26 Dec 1870, Carters Cottages, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location  (Age 66 years) 
    Married 5 Jul 1823  St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location 
    • By banns, ba and sp, both otp, both signed; witnesses were Wm Bayley and James Dixon
      (transcript on KFHS CD 28)
    Children 11 children 
    Last Modified 15 Nov 2011 
    Family ID F298  Family Group Page  |  Family Chart

  • Event Map Click to hide
    Link to Google MapsBorn - 11 Jul 1802 - Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location Link to Google Earth (if installed; see link below to install)
    Link to Google MapsBaptised - 8 Aug 1802 - St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location Link to Google Earth (if installed; see link below to install)
    Link to Google MapsMarried - 5 Jul 1823 - St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location Link to Google Earth (if installed; see link below to install)
    Link to Google MapsChild - Maria HYDE - 1826 - Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location Link to Google Earth (if installed; see link below to install)
    Link to Google MapsChild - Robert HYDE - 20 May 1832 - Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location Link to Google Earth (if installed; see link below to install)
    Link to Google MapsChild - Maria HYDE - 1834 - Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location Link to Google Earth (if installed; see link below to install)
    Link to Google MapsChild - Emily HYDE - 25 Nov 1836 - St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location Link to Google Earth (if installed; see link below to install)
    Link to Google MapsChild - John HYDE - Dec Q 1838 - Thanet Reg Dist, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location Link to Google Earth (if installed; see link below to install)
    Link to Google MapsChild - William HYDE - Dec Q 1840 - Thanet Reg Dist, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location Link to Google Earth (if installed; see link below to install)
    Link to Google MapsChild - Mary Ann HYDE - Sep Q 1843 - Thanet Reg Dist, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location Link to Google Earth (if installed; see link below to install)
    Link to Google MapsResidence - From 1851 to 1855 - 3, Pump Lane, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location Link to Google Earth (if installed; see link below to install)
    Link to Google MapsDied - Cause: Natural decay - 11 Jun 1877 - The Union Workhouse, Minster in Thanet, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location Link to Google Earth (if installed; see link below to install)
    Link to Google MapsBuried - 14 Jun 1877 - St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location Link to Google Earth (if installed; see link below to install)
     = Link to Google Earth (if installed; see link below to install) 
    Pin Legend Address Church or Cemetery Military service or death Hospital Small location Town / City County, state or province Country Registration District Place of education Court Property Not Set

  • Sources 
    1. [S103] Newspaper ‘The South Eastern Gazette’ onThe Kent Messenger Group Digital Archive, Kent., (  :), "Margate - Valuable Freehold Property for sale by auction," 7 8 1855, online archives (   : accessed 2 Apr 2013), p. 3, col. 6. (Reliability: 4), 2 Apr 2013.
      Valuable Freehold Property,
      For sale by auction,

      By Messrs. Jenkins & Smith,
      At the York Hotel on Monday, the 13th of August, 1855, at Two o'clock in the afternoon.

      Lot 1. All that capital freehold dwelling-house, with old-established Grocer's Shop, eligibly situate for trade, being 8, Bridge-street, facing the market, occupying the front site between the Fountain Inn and Pump-lane, possessing the rate advantage of three frontages, let, together with lot 2, to Mr. F. Winch, grocer, at a clear yearly rental of £25, he doing all repairs and paying all taxes.
      Lot 2. - The freehold dwelling-house, adjoining lot 1, being No. 2, Pump-lane, containing 4 rooms with frontage also in Fountain-lane, in the occupation of Mr. Winch, as above described.
      Lot 3. - A similar freehold dwelling-house, adjoining lot 2, being No. 3, Pump-lane, in the occupation of Mr. Robert Hyde, at £5 4s. per annum.
      Lot 4. - A similar freehold dwelling-house, aSjoining lot 3, being No. 4, Pump-lane, in the occupation of Mr. J. Rowe, at £6 19s. per annum.
         For printed particulars and conditions of sale apply to Messrs. Brooke and Mertens, Solicitors, Cecil-square; or to the Auctioneers, Hawley-square, Margate.