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Robert HYDE

Robert HYDE

Male 1832 - 1899  (67 years)    Has 97 ancestors and 85 descendants in this family tree.

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  • Name Robert HYDE 
    Relationshipwith Teresa Ann GOATHAM
    Born 20 May 1832  Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location 
    • Date from Seaman's Register Ticket (issued in 1846); also shows aged when ticketed as 14, yet date was 20 Apr 1846 - i.e. a month before he reached the age of 14.
    Baptised 8 Jul 1832  St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location 
    • From transcription in Margate library, confirmed by KFHS transcription - CD 28
    Gender Male 
    In the Dock 12 May 1869  Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location  [1
    For stealing a large cannonball 
    • A report appeared in the South Eastern Gazette on Monday 17th May 1869, in the section of Margate news:

      Stealing a 68-Pound Shot. - A mariner named Robert Hyde was charged before the borough Bench on Wednesday with stealing, on or about the 26th of March last, a 68-pound iron shot, of the value of 20s., the property of the Lords of the Admiralty. - Mr. Boys prosecuted on behalf of the Lords of the Admiralty. He explained the circumstances under which the shot was missed from the Newgate Coastguard station, and how it was traced to the prisoner and recovered; and his statement was corroborated by Mr. Hart, the chief officer at the Newgate Coastguard Station, Mrs. Craycraft, and the superintendent of police. Mr. Boys did not press the case hard against the prisoner, and the Bench contented themselves with sending him for seven days' hard labour in Dover gaol.

      A more detailed account had appeared in the Thanet Advertiser on Saturday 15th May 1869, in the section of Margate news:
      Stealing a 68-Pound Shot. - A mainer named
      Robert Hyde was charged before the borough Bench on
      Wednesday with stealing, on or about the 26th March
      last, a 68 pound iron shot, of the value of 20s., the
      property of the Lords of the Admiralty, and
      stated that he should proceed in the case as a petty
      felony, and not under the Naval Stores Act. He ex-
      plained the circumstances under which the shot was
      missed from the Newgate Coastguard Station, and how
      it was traced to the prisoner and recovered; and his
      statement was corroborated by Mr. Hart, the chief officer
      at  the Newgate Coastguard Station, Mrs. Craycraft and
      the superintendent of police. From the circumstances
      thus adduced it would appear that about the time in
      which the theft was alleged to have taken place the
      Coastguard were busily employed about a wreck, which
      they succeeded in getting afloat and taking round to
      Ramsgate. The station was thus deserted for a short
      time, and it would seem that during their absence some
      one came and abstracted one of two iron 68 pounder
      shots that were embedded in mortar at the top of either
      column forming the gateway. A short time afterwards
      it was offered to Mrs. Craycraft, the wife of a marine
      store dealer, by the prisoner, for sale. Mrs. Craycraft
      volunteered to give 6d. for it, the prisoner having stated
      that he picked it up off the beach. There was some
      sand, according to her statement, sticking to the tar on
      the shot. The prisoner said 6d. was not enough, and
      Mrs. Craycraft told the prisoner that he might take it away.
      He then agreed to take the sixpence. On the chief offi-
      cer missing the shot inquiries were instituted, and it
      was found to have been sold to Mr. Craycraft. The
      prisoner was then taxed with the theft, and he repeated
      the tale he had told to Mrs. Craycraft. - To disprove
      this, however, it was stated that there were no guns to
      carry shot of that calibre between Dover and Sheerness,
      and therefore it was scarcely possible that it could have
      been found as represented by the prisoner; and there
      was no sand seen attached to the shot when given up to
      the superintendent, though mortar and tar were sticking
      to it. - Mr. Boys did not press the case hard against the
      prisoner, and the Bench contented themselves with
      sending him for seven days' hard labour in Dover gaol.
      - Mr. Boys invited the Bench to express a word of cau-
      tion to Mrs. Craycraft, but they did not accept the
    Prisoner Aft 12 May 1869  The Gaol, Dover, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location 
    Seven days hard labour 
    • For his theft of the cannonball
    Witness Found body of suicide casualty 
    Residence From 1871 to 1881  5A, New Cross Street, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location 
    • Robert and Ann were living with their children  Helen Elizabeth, Sarah Ann and George Robert in 1871, but by 1881 just George remained living at home with his parents. (All 3 daughters were probably in domestic service - none had yet married).
    Residence 1891  2, New Cross Street, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location 
    • A boarder, 20 yr old Frederick Fullager, a grocer's assistant, was living with Robert and Ann in 1891, but all their children had left home.
    Occupation Boatman  [2
    • Boatman on death certificate, mariner in all other entries, including the 1891 census.

      In 1862 Robert was called upon to rescue a man from drowning, which he did successfully and for which he was rewarded - with all of one shilling!
      This was reported in The Era (London, England), Sunday, September 28, 1862; Issue 1253, as follows:

      Reward for Saving Life at Margate - One day last week, while a commissioned boatman at the Coast Guard Station, named Braybrook, was on duty at the battery, his attention was attracted to a person bathing from one of the Pettman's Bathing Machines, who was calling out loudly for help, and he, Braybrook, finding he could not get the boat belonging to the station launched in time to save him, hailed a boat out at sea, manned by Robert Hyde, jun who immediately rowed to the drowning man and succeeded in saving him from a watery grave, for he was only a half a head and his two hands above water, he was placed in a bathing machine, and having sufficiently recovered from his exhaustion, afterwards went away. For his exertions and for having actually saved his life, the drowning man presented the boatman with the munificent sum of "one shilling".

      Thanks to Suzannah Foad for posting this on the RootsWeb Isle-of-Thanet list.

      A very similar account to the above (lacking a few details but with no extra) appeared in the South Eastern Gazette of 23 Sep 1862, p.5 col. 4.
    Buried 1899  The Cemetery, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location 
    Died 21 May 1899  2, New Cross Street, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location 
    Cause: General Paralysis (i.e. Syphilis) 
    • GRO ref: Hyde, Robert, aged 67, q2 1899 Thanet RD  2a 582
      Date and place from death certificate.

      In the "Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald" on Saturday 03 June 1899:
      "HYDE - On the 21st May, at New Cross Street, Margate, Robert Hyde, aged 67."

      His death certificate showed he died of "Paralysis General 30 years", death registered by his sister Mary Ann Gisby, present at the death.
      I at first assumed the cause meant that Robert had been paralysed for 30 years - which would have meant it started in 1869, making it  surprising that he is recorded as boatman etc. to 1891, with nothing recording him as "formerly a boatman / mariner".

      If the problem started around 1869 Robert would have only been about 37 - young enough that a stroke would have been very unlikely; the paralysis could have been caused by an illness or an accident.

      But I have now discovered that "general paralysis" is often used as short for "general paralysis of the insane" - the tertiary stage of syphilis! The first symptoms of syphilis (or whatever illness Robert had*) may have shown 30 years before his death, but not been sufficient to stop him working.

      * - the Victorian doctors were keen to diagnose syphilis; current medical knowledge means that it is now considered that these diagnoses included a number of other conditions, so we can't be sure that Robert had syphilis.

      However, it is noticeable that Robert and Sarah's last child was also born 30 years before his death, when Sarah was only in her early 30s. Syphilis could explain this, commonly causing miscarriage and still birth.
    Death certificate for Robert Hyde (b 1832)
    Death certificate for Robert Hyde (b 1832)
    Siblings 3 brothers and 7 sisters 
    Patriarch & Matriarch
    John HYDE,   b. Est 1750, (probably), North Weald Bassett, Essex, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location,   d. Between 1778 and 1783  (Age ~ 28 years)  (Great Grandfather) 
    Mary SETTERFIELD,   bap. Between 22 Aug 1756 and 23 Jul 1758, St. Mary the Virgin Church, Minster in Thanet, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location,   bur. 8 Sep 1824, St. Laurence’s Church, St. Lawrence in Thanet, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location  (Age ~ 68 years)  (Great Grandmother) 
    Person ID I358  All | Teresa's direct ancestors, England: Kent Group (in Go(a)tham One-Name Study), All in the Goatham / Gotham One-Name Study
    Last Modified 17 Mar 2024 

    Father Robert HYDE,   b. 11 Jul 1802, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location,   d. 11 Jun 1877, The Union Workhouse, Minster in Thanet, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location  (Age 74 years) 
    Mother Mary Ann GRIGGS,   b. 2 Sep 1804, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location,   d. 26 Dec 1870, Carters Cottages, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location  (Age 66 years) 
    Married 5 Jul 1823  St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location 
    • By banns, ba and sp, both otp, both signed; witnesses were Wm Bayley and James Dixon
      (transcript on KFHS CD 28)
    Family ID F298  Family Group Page  |  Family Chart

    Family Ann FULLER,   b. Abt Aug 1836, Bridge, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location,   d. 22 Feb 1915, 68, Byron Road, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location  (Age ~ 78 years) 
    Other Partners: William NEWING  m. Dec Q 1902 
    Married 14 Feb 1857  St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location 
    • GRO ref: Hyde, Robert to Fuller, Ann q1 1857 Thanet RD 2a 719
      Details from PR entry (image on FMP, viewed 24 Jan 2018)
      The title line of the entry shows the year as 1857, although the 'when married' field says 'February 14th 1856'! It is, though, between entries for Jan 1857 and Feb 15 1857, so I think it is safe to assume it was in 1857.
      Ages given as 24 and 21, bach and sp, Robert a mariner, both of King St., son of Robert Hyde, mariner and dau of George Fuller, labourer. Witnesses were William Martin and Maria Martin. Robert and Ann both signed, the witnesses (Robert's sister and her husband) made their marks.
    Children 4 children 
    Last Modified 24 Jan 2018 
    Family ID F256  Family Group Page  |  Family Chart

  • Event Map Click to hide
    Link to Google MapsBorn - 20 May 1832 - Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location Link to Google Earth (if installed; see link below to install)
    Link to Google MapsBaptised - 8 Jul 1832 - St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location Link to Google Earth (if installed; see link below to install)
    Link to Google MapsMarried - 14 Feb 1857 - St. John the Baptist Church, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location Link to Google Earth (if installed; see link below to install)
    Link to Google MapsChild - Phyllis Ann HYDE - 22 Feb 1859 - Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location Link to Google Earth (if installed; see link below to install)
    Link to Google MapsChild - Ellen (Helen) Elizabeth HYDE - Jun Q 1860 - Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location Link to Google Earth (if installed; see link below to install)
    Link to Google MapsChild - Sarah Ann HYDE - 5 Mar 1862 - New Cross Street, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location Link to Google Earth (if installed; see link below to install)
    Link to Google MapsChild - George Robert HYDE - 27 Nov 1868 - Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location Link to Google Earth (if installed; see link below to install)
    Link to Google MapsIn the Dock - For stealing a large cannonball - 12 May 1869 - Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location Link to Google Earth (if installed; see link below to install)
    Link to Google MapsResidence - From 1871 to 1881 - 5A, New Cross Street, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location Link to Google Earth (if installed; see link below to install)
    Link to Google MapsResidence - 1891 - 2, New Cross Street, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location Link to Google Earth (if installed; see link below to install)
    Link to Google MapsBuried - 1899 - The Cemetery, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location Link to Google Earth (if installed; see link below to install)
    Link to Google MapsDied - Cause: General Paralysis (i.e. Syphilis) - 21 May 1899 - 2, New Cross Street, Margate, Kent, England See the place on a map and other information about it - if available (many more will be in time); also all individuals with events at this location Link to Google Earth (if installed; see link below to install)
     = Link to Google Earth (if installed; see link below to install) 
    Pin Legend Address Church or Cemetery Military service or death Hospital Small location Town / City County, state or province Country Registration District Place of education Court Property Not Set

  • Sources 
    1. [S103] Newspaper ‘The South Eastern Gazette’ onThe Kent Messenger Group Digital Archive, Kent., (  :), "Margate ... Stealing a 68-Pound Shot," 19 May 1869, online archives (   : accessed 2 Apr 2013), p. 5, col. 4. (Reliability: 2), 2 Apr 2013.
      Hyde was not a common name in Margate - at this time all appear to have been the family of Robert (bapt 1802) and his wife.
      But I don't know if this article refers to the Robert bapt 1802 or his son bapt 1832. Both were mariners. I am simply guessing that is more likely to have been the c.37 year old rather than the 67 year old.

    2. [S103] Newspaper ‘The South Eastern Gazette’ onThe Kent Messenger Group Digital Archive, Kent., (  :), "Margate ... Reward for Life Saving," 23 Sep 1862, online archives (   : accessed 2 Apr 2013), p. 5, col. 4. (Reliability: 3), 2 Apr 2013.