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Name John ISSELL Relationship with Teresa Ann GOATHAM Born Est 1600 - Based on date of baptism of first known child. However, it may be that he had other children baptised elsewhere before moving to Stokenham.
Gender Male Died Aug 1638 Stokenham, Devon, England - (assumed from burial)
Buried 30 Aug 1638 St. Michael and All Angels’ Church, Stokenham, Devon, England - From PR entry (image on FMP, viewed 4 Jun 2014)
"August 30 John Eastleigh was buryed"
Court 1642 Debt dispute in Court of the King's Bench - The plaintiff was one Joan Issell, to whom John owed money. It seems that an agreement had been entered into in Totnes on 18 October 1637, less than a year before he died. (Was it arranged in Totnes because that was where Joan lived or was it arranged through an attorney who worked there?)
I don't know if there is any significance in it being close to his death. Was this the reason he hadn't repaid it? Joan says that John had, in his lifetime, refused to pay the money back, so perhaps it was intended to be just very a short term loan. Or did he need to borrow money because he was already in ill health and his ability to earn it impacted? Or, as he was probably still a relatively young man, most likely in his late 30s or maybe early 40s, was he borrowing in order to acquire more land?
Joan had asked the John's wife Agnes and her new husband Thomas Winter to pay it from John's estate but they had refused. They said that they had already administered all the goods and chattells that belonged to John when he died by the time Joan asked for the money, and thus had nothing from which to pay it, though Joan disagreed with this and said they did still have items which had belonged to John to the value owed to her.
Joan asked that this be inquired into by a local jury, this was agreed and a date set ... and we don't learn what the verdict was. (I will investigate whether we can learn more anywhere, though I doubt it)
Will - His will almost certainly does not survive, but it is mentioned in a case in the Court of the King's Bench in 1642. This case is documented here and on the following image (in Latin).
Agnes his widow was executrix of the will.
Occupation Yeoman Notes - (Research):No sign of Issells / Eas(t)lys etc. in Stokenham before John. Too many possibilities / gaps in records to link him with any degree of confidence to any earlier family.I hoped the debt case might show how Joan was related and / or give a clue, but nothing there. Joan itself is too common a name, and anyway if in need of borrowing money and someone could help could be a cousin or maybe a second cousin, not just mother or sister or other close relative.
Person ID I15713 All | Teresa's direct ancestors Last Modified 9 Sep 2020
Family Agnes, b. Est 1602, d. Yes, date unknown
Other Partners: Thomas WINTER m. 4 Feb 1638/39Children
4 children Last Modified 4 Jun 2014 Family ID F6508 Family Group Page | Family Chart
Event Map Click to hide Child - Richard ISSELL - 4 Jan 1628/29 - St. Michael and All Angels’ Church, Stokenham, Devon, England Child - Thomas ISSELL - Abt 1631 - Stokenham, Devon, England Child - Nicholas ISSELL - 1 Nov 1635 - St. Michael and All Angels’ Church, Stokenham, Devon, England Died - Aug 1638 - Stokenham, Devon, England Buried - 30 Aug 1638 - St. Michael and All Angels’ Church, Stokenham, Devon, England = Link to Google Earth (if installed; see link below to install)
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